


Nerve wrecking arcade runner game about love and throwing crates.

Avoid bombs, grab and throw crates, run, jump and don’t loose hope.

Now go! Rush to your love!

MovementArrow keys OR W,S,A,D
Grab cratejsut walk over them
Jump/Dashhold move & hit C OR K
STARTEnter or Space

Dev notes

Project was prepared for work in VSCode. Use Haxe Extension Pack. Main build task targets web.


Haxe Cache servers

Project uses Haxe cache server to both compile the code and provide cod ecompletions while writing.


There are tasks setup for you, "Testpage" and "Testpage --debug". After running task "Testpage" you'll get:

Unit testing

Swap haxe configuration in VSCode to tests.hxml so completion will work in test/ files.

haxe tests.hxml

Will compile the tests and output into bin/web/ directory. Make sure you already built the testpage once, so that directory is populated with game files. While the testpage is running, just open localhost:8090/report.html.

Code formatting

Use astyle-extension for VSCode, you'll also need Astyle app on your device.