

Stories in Ready

Auto Terrain Generator

Create terrains for Tiled editor quicker


Use this tool to combine your tilesets into one terrain and paint quicker "landscape" in Tiled editor.

1. Prepare your tilesets

Each tileset should containt every possible tile combination. Use below template to create your own. Only 15 tiles are used, the last one is ignored.

I've tested this tool for generating terrain of 2, 3 and 4 tilesets. Adding more would probably cause longer generation time, and also I'm not sure how would Tiled react to that.

Template tileset

2. Set correct tile size

Default is 16px x 16px. Change it in "Configurate" window if you're using different tile size. Width and height must be equal, eg. 32px x 32px.

3. Load up all your tilesets

Put all your tilesets into input folder, type your filename (with an extension!) and hit LOAD. Your tileset should appear in the list below.

Here you can:

Load tileset


The terrain will be available to preview in the bottom part of window.

5. Export bitmap and TSX file

At the bottom you'll find:

Work in Tiled

To use your new terrain you have to open new map, go to menu and hit "Map" -> "Add external tileset". Navigate to generator's output/ folder and choose output.tsx file.

Happy designing!

This tool was created using: