

NNM: Nearest Neighbor Matching for Deep Clustering.

Forked from SCAN (https://github.com/wvangansbeke/Unsupervised-Classification).


<img src="images/ill_idea.jpg" width="400" /> <p> The illustration of our idea. We propose to match more semantically nearest neighbors from between <b>local (batch)</b> and <b>global (overall)</b> level. Benefit from the dynamic updated deep features with iteration and epoch increases, we can construct more and more semantically confident sample pairs from samples and its neighbors. </p>


Local Nearest Neighbor Matching

<img src="images/local_loss.jpg" width="400" />

Global Nearest Neighbor Matching

<img src="images/global_loss.jpg" width="400" />

For specifical loss, please refer paper and poster.

Main Results

<img src="images/results.jpg" width="800" />

Pre-Trained Models

CIFAR-10Google Drive
CIFAR-20Google Drive
STL-10Google Drive

Trained Models

CIFAR-100.8430Google Drive
CIFAR-200.4773Google Drive
STL-100.8084Google Drive



Python 3.7 and Pytorch 1.4.0 are required. Please refer to requirements.yaml for more details.


Clone this repo: git clone https://github.com/ZhiyuanDang/NNM.git.

Download datasets: CIFAR-10/100, STL-10.

We can directly use the pre-text model from SCAN. Then, we only need to generate the neighbors by the code

python simclr.py --config_env configs/env.yml --config_exp configs/pretext/simclr_cifar10.yml.

Next, we run the clustering step (optional):

python scan.py --config_env configs/env.yml --config_exp configs/scan/scan_cifar10.yml --gpus 0 (--seed 1234).

Visualizing the top-k images is easily done by setting the --visualize_prototypes flag.

For example on cifar-10: python eval.py --config_exp configs/scan/scan_cifar10.yml --model $MODEL_PATH --visualize_prototypes.

And the Top-3 images is: <img src="images/protype-cifar10.jpg" width="800" />

However, due to issues in SCAN, self-label is not suitable for NNM. Thus, we remove this file.


    author    = {Dang, Zhiyuan and Deng, Cheng and Yang, Xu and Wei, Kun and Huang, Heng},
    title     = {Nearest Neighbor Matching for Deep Clustering},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2021},
    pages     = {13693-13702}


SpCL (https://github.com/yxgeee/SpCL)