

<p align="center"> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20483346/222834423-7fc33c17-c599-43c5-827d-ea4183a8b6f2.png" height="80"> <img alt="logo" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20483346/222834439-0cbf26d7-eaa6-462c-9438-e3a91a02c7d2.png" height="80"> </picture> <p align="center"> <em>Secure your cloud.</em> </p> </p> <div align="center">

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ZeusCloud is an open source cloud security platform.

Discover, prioritize, and remediate your risks in the cloud.

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Table of Contents

Quick Start

  1. Clone repo: git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:Zeus-Labs/ZeusCloud.git
  2. Run: cd ZeusCloud && make quick-deploy
  3. Visit http://localhost:80

Check out our Get Started guide for more details.

A cloud-hosted version is available on special request - email founders@zeuscloud.io to get access!


Play around with our sandbox environment to see how ZeusCloud identifies, prioritizes, and remediates risks in the cloud!



Why ZeusCloud?

Cloud usage continues to grow. Companies are shifting more of their workloads from on-prem to the cloud and both adding and expanding new and existing workloads in the cloud. Cloud providers keep increasing their offerings and their complexity. Companies are having trouble keeping track of their security risks as their cloud environment scales and grows more complex. Several high profile attacks have occurred in recent times. Capital One had an S3 bucket breached, Amazon had an unprotected Prime Video server breached, Microsoft had an Azure DevOps server breached, Puma was the victim of ransomware, etc.

We had to take action.

Future Roadmap


We love contributions of all sizes. What would be most helpful first:


Run containers in development mode:

cd frontend && yarn && cd -
docker-compose down && docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yaml --env-file .env.dev up --build

Reset neo4j and/or postgres data with the following:

rm -rf .compose/neo4j
rm -rf .compose/postgres

To develop on frontend, make the the code changes and save.

To develop on backend, run

docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yaml --env-file .env.dev up --no-deps --build backend

To access the UI, go to: http://localhost:80.


Please do not run ZeusCloud exposed to the public internet. Use the latest versions of ZeusCloud to get all security related patches. Report any security vulnerabilities to founders@zeuscloud.io.

Open-source vs. cloud-hosted

This repo is freely available under the Apache 2.0 license.

We're working on a cloud-hosted solution which handles deployment and infra management. Contact us at founders@zeuscloud.io for more information!

Special thanks to the amazing Cartography project, which ZeusCloud uses for its asset inventory. Credit to PostHog and Airbyte for inspiration around public-facing materials - like this README!