


Remove your systemthread from PspCidTable tutorial (reuploaded because github ban me). discord: (coming soon).

PspCidTable & ExDestroyHandleA

  1. Open up ntoskrnl.exe in Ida Pro.
  2. In the functions window search for the function PspReferenceCidTableEntry (or any function that moves PspCidTable address into a register)
  3. Signature an instruction that moves the address of PspCidTable into a register


  1. Test the signature and make sure it works (your signature may be different depending on your winver) (your signature should look like something along the lines of \xE8\x00\x00\x00\x00\x49\x8B\xCC\xE8\x00\x00\x00\x00\x48\x8B\xCF. x????xxxx????xxx)

ExDestroyHandle for this instruction 3 bytes are the opcode and the next 4 bytes are the address

  1. In the functions window search for the function ExDestroyHandle
  2. Check the xrefs to ExDestroyHandle and click any of the xrefs that calls this function


  1. Signature the instruction that calls the ExDestroyHandle function


  1. Test the signature and make sure it works

Now lets write a function to resolve the addresses For this instruction 1 byte is the opcode and the next 4 bytes are the address


ULONG64* resolve(const ULONG64 addressInstruction, const int opcodeBytes, int addressBytes) { addressBytes += opcodeBytes; const ULONG32 RelativeOffset = reinterpret_cast<ULONG32>(addressInstruction + opcodeBytes); ULONG64* FinalAddress = reinterpret_cast<ULONG64*>(addressInstruction + RelativeOffset + addressBytes); return FinalAddress; }

To call the ExDestroyHandle lets first define it in your definitions file


typedef BOOLEAN(*func)(const PHANDLE_TABLE, const HANDLE, const PHANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY); func ExDestroyHandle;

As you see we need the HANDLE_TABLE structure, lets quickly get it from windbg.

  1. open local kernel debug session
  2. type dt _HANDLE_TABLE


  1. define this structure in your definitions file


typedef struct _HANDLE_TABLE { ULONG NextHandleNeedingPool; //Uint4B LONG ExtraInfoPages; //Int4B ULONG64 TableCode; //Uint8B PEPROCESS QuotaProcess; //Ptr64 _EPROCESS _LIST_ENTRY HandleTableList; //_LIST_ENTRY ULONG UniqueProcessId; //Uint4B } HANDLE_TABLE, * PHANDLE_TABLE;

Now before you start your thread loop write the following in your system thread function


const ULONG64* pPspCidTable = resolve(Utilities::find_pattern<ULONG64>(kernelBaseModule.baseAddress, kernelBaseModule.size, "\x4C\x8B\x35\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0F\x0D\x08", "xxx????xxx"), 3, 4); const ULONG64* pExDestroyHandle = resolve(Utilities::find_pattern<ULONG64>(kernelBaseModule.baseAddress, kernelBaseModule.size, "\xE8\x00\x00\x00\x00\x49\x8B\xCC\xE8\x00\x00\x00\x00\x48\x8B\xCF", "x????xxxx????xxx"), 1, 4);

ExDestroyHandle = reinterpret_cast<func>(pExDestroyHandle); DestroyPspCidTableEntry(pPspCidTable, PsGetCurrentThreadId());

Now lets write the function that destroys the entry


void DestroyPspCidTableEntry(const ULONG64* pPspCidTable, const HANDLE threadId) { ULONG64* pHandleTable = reinterpret_cast<ULONG64*>(*pPspCidTable); //deref for pointer to handle table const PHANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY pCidEntry = ExpLookupHandleTableEntry(pHandleTable, reinterpret_cast<LONGLONG>(threadId));

if (pCidEntry != NULL)
    DbgPrintEx(0, 0, "Handle table: %p", pHandleTable);
    DbgPrintEx(0, 0, "Cid entry: %p", pCidEntry);
    DbgPrintEx(0, 0, "ObjectPointerBits: %p", pCidEntry->ObjectPointerBits);

    ExDestroyHandle(reinterpret_cast<PHANDLE_TABLE>(pHandleTable), threadId, pCidEntry);
    if (pCidEntry->ObjectPointerBits == 0)
        DbgPrintEx(0, 0, "Entry should be removed removed");
        DbgPrintEx(0, 0, "ObjectPointerBits now: %p", pCidEntry->ObjectPointerBits);


This function needs ExpLookupHandleTableEntry lets find this in ida and add it to our code.

  1. Search for the function in ExpLookupHandleTableEntry
  2. Look at the pseudo code


unsigned __int64 __fastcall ExpLookupHandleTableEntry(unsigned int *a1, __int64 a2) { unsigned __int64 v2; // rdx __int64 v3; // r8

v2 = a2 & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFCui64; if ( v2 >= *a1 ) return 0i64; v3 = *((_QWORD *)a1 + 1); if ( (v3 & 3) == 1 ) return *(_QWORD *)(v3 + 8 * (v2 >> 10) - 1) + 4 * (v2 & 0x3FF); if ( (v3 & 3) != 0 ) return *(_QWORD )((_QWORD *)(v3 + 8 * (v2 >> 19) - 2) + 8 * ((v2 >> 10) & 0x1FF)) + 4 * (v2 & 0x3FF); return v3 + 4 * v2; }

Seem to only do some bitwise operations and checks, really simple to import in your code.


PHANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY ExpLookupHandleTableEntry(const ULONG64* pHandleTable, const LONGLONG Handle) { ULONGLONG v2; // rdx LONGLONG v3; // r8

if (v2 >= *pHandleTable)
    return 0;
v3 = *(pHandleTable + 1);
if ((v3 & 3) == 1)
    return reinterpret_cast<PHANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY>(*reinterpret_cast<ULONG_PTR*>(v3 + 8 * (v2 >> 10) - 1) + 4 * (v2 & 0x3FF));
if ((v3 & 3) != 0)
    return reinterpret_cast<PHANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY>(*reinterpret_cast<ULONG_PTR*>(*reinterpret_cast<ULONG_PTR*>(v3 + 8 * (v2 >> 19) - 2) + 8 * ((v2 >> 10) & 0x1FF)) + 4 * (v2 & 0x3FF));
return reinterpret_cast<PHANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY>(v3 + 4 * v2);


As you can see the return type is pointer to HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY Lets get this struct in windbg like we did before (dt _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY)


As you can see offsets of some variables are the same? This is because for example the 0x000 offset is a class which members all occupie the same memory and this class is able to hold only 1 of it's members at the same time in c++ this is an union. So this struct will be:

typedef struct _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY { union //that special class { ULONG64 VolatileLowValue; //Int8B ULONG64 LowValue; //Int8B ULONG64 RefCountField; //Int8B _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO* InfoTable; //Ptr64 _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO struct { ULONG64 Unlocked : 1; //1Bit ULONG64 RefCnt : 16; //16Bits ULONG64 Attributes : 3; //3Bits ULONG64 ObjectPointerBits : 44; //44Bits }; }; union { ULONG64 HighValue; //Int8B _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY* NextFreeHandleEntry; //Ptr64 _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY }; } HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY, * PHANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY;

As you are able to see this structure needs the HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO struct. same as before look for it using windbg:

typedef struct _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO { ULONG AuditMask; //Uint4B ULONG MaxRelativeAccessMask; //Uint4b } HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO, * PHANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY_INFO;

This should be it, you can simply check using windbg to get some more information. For example comment out the part that destroys the handle and look in windbg.

Commands: dd PspCidTable get the memory inside PspCidTable here you can see your table handle


dt _HANDLE_TABLE address cast memory from address into the _HANDLE_TABLE structure


dt _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY address cast memory from address into the _HANDLE_TABLE_ENTRY structure


After deleting the handle make sure the thread doesn't exit else u get a BSOD.

For any help message me on discord: