


Garbage collector that stops inactive LSP clients to free RAM


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In many scenarios, unmanaged LSP clients running on background can take several Gb of RAM. So I wrote this LSP garbage collector for NormalNvim to auto free it. But you can use it on any distro.

How to setup

Add this to lazy

  dependencies = "neovim/nvim-lspconfig",
  event = "VeryLazy",
  opts = {
    -- your options here

We also support changing opts on execution time like :let g:garbage_day_config['option']='value'

Available options

aggressive_modefalseSet it to true to stop all lsp clients except the current buffer, every time you enter a buffer. aggressive_mode ignores grace_period, and it only triggers when entering a buffer with a different filetype than the current buffer. Ensures the maximum RAM save.
excluded_lsp_clientshereTable of LSP clients that should never be stopped. Useful for LSP clients that miss behave.
grace_period60*15Seconds to wait before stopping all LSP clients after neovim loses focus.
wakeup_delay0Milliseconds to wait before restoring LSP after the mouse re-enters nvim. Useful to avoid waking up the LSP clients by accident when passing the mouse over it.

Debug options

You can tweak them in case some particular LSP client don't start/stop correctly on your machine.

aggressive_mode_ignorehereBuffers to ignore on aggressive_mode.
notificationsfalseSet it to true to get a notification every time LSP garbage collection triggers.
retries3Times to try to start a LSP client before giving up.
timeout1000Milliseconds that will take for retries to complete. Example: by default we try 3 retries for 1000ms.

IMPORTANT: If you change the default values, make sure the value of grace_period is always bigger than timeout/1000. This ensures you are leaving enough time between stop_lsp()/start_lsp(), so they don't overlap.


require("garbage-day.utils").stop_lsp()  -- stop all lsp clients.
require("garbage-day.utils").start_lsp() -- start lsp clients for the current buffer.

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Stargazers over time

Where do that cheesy name come from?

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