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About SiteDorks

Search Google, Bing, Brave, Ecosia, Yahoo or Yandex for a search term with several websites. A default list is already provided, which contains Github, Gitlab, Surveymonkey, Trello etc etc. Currently, a default list of 578 dorkable websites is available.

By default, the following categories are on file:

Why use SiteDorks?

Why wouldn't you just enter dorks for several websites manually? Think of this:


SiteDorks should be able to run with a default Kali Linux installation using Python 3 without installing additional Python packages. Just run:

git clone https://github.com/Zarcolio/sitedorks
cd sitedorks
bash install.sh

If you're running into trouble running SiteDorks, please drop me an issue and I'll try to fix it :)


usage: sitedorks [-h] [-browser <browser>] [-cat <category>] [-cats] [-count <count>] [-engine <engine>] [-file <file>]
[-query <query>] [-site <on|off|inurl>] [-excl <domains>] [-echo]

Use your favorite search engine to search for a search term with different websites. Use single quotes around a
query with double quotes. Be sure to enclose a query with single quotes it contains shell control characters like
space, ';', '>', '|', etc.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message, print categories on file (add -file to check other CSV file) and exit.
  -hh, --help2          Show the help inside a .csv file being called. Lines in the beginning of the script starting with # are displayed as help.
  -browser <browser>    Supply the browser executable to use or use the default browser.
  -cat <category>       Choose from 1 or more categories, use ',' (comma) as delimiter. Defaults to all categories.
  -cats                 Show all categories on file, use with or without -file.
  -count <count>        How many websites are searched per query. Google has a maximum length for queries.
  -engine <engine>      Search with 'google', 'baidu', 'bing', 'brave', 'bing-ecosia', 'duckduckgo' 'yahoo' or 'yandex', defaults to 'google'.
  -file <file>          Enter a custom website list.
  -filter <string>      Only query for sites with this string.
  -query <query>        Enter a mandatory search term.
  -site <on|off|inurl>  Turn the 'site:' operator 'on' or 'off', or replace it with 'inurl:' (only for Google), defaults to 'on'.
  -excl <domains>       Excluded these domains from the search query.
  -echo                 Prints the search query URLs, for further use like piping or bookmarking.
  -ubb                  Updates bug bounty files (in en out scope) and exits. Uses bbrecon.
  -wait <seconds>       Wait x seconds, defaults to 7 seconds.


Small warning here: if you don't use -cat SiteDorks will open a lot of tabs in your browser and probably will make Google throw you a CAPTCHA. Increase waiting time with option '-wait' to decrease the chance of getting a CAPTCHA.

Want to look for "uber.com" with different sites containing all kinds of content using Google? Use the following command:

sitedorks -query '"uber.com"'

Want to look for "uber website" (with quotes and spaces in the query)? Use the following command:

sitedorks -query '"uber website"'

Want to search for communication invites with Yandex but leave site: out of the query? Just use the following command:

sitedorks -cat comm -site disable -engine yandex -query uber

And if you want to see which categories are on file, for example with the hackerone platform:

sitedorks -file sitedorks-bbrecon.csv -cats

If you want to download/update the bug bounty files, you can use the -ubb parameter (it uses bbrecon):

sitedorks -ubb

The -ubb argument creates two files: sitedorks-bbrecon-inscope.csv and sitedorks-bbrecon-outscope.csv. Use the following command for finding exploitable systems or juicy info (always check if a system is in scope, although these these domains are in scope, it doesn't always mean that this subdomain or system is):

sitedorks -file sitedorks-bbrecon-inscope.csv -cat somevdp -query "exploitable systems/juicy info"

Use this command for finding juicy info only, because these domains are out of scope:

sitedorks -file sitedorks-bbrecon-outscope.csv -cat somevdp -query "juicy info"

For searching in Dutch (para)medical websites, use the following command:

sitedorks -cat medi -file sitedorks-nl.csv -query somekeyword

Google Dorks

Don't know what to look for? Try:


Do you have some usefull additions to SiteDorks script or to the list of dorkable websites: