

Feliz Nuget Build status

A fresh retake of the React API in Fable, optimized for happiness.

Here is how it looks like:

module App

open Feliz

let Counter() =
    let (count, setCount) = React.useState(0)
    Html.div [
        Html.button [
            prop.style [ style.marginRight 5 ]
            prop.onClick (fun _ -> setCount(count + 1))
            prop.text "Increment"

        Html.button [
            prop.style [ style.marginLeft 5 ]
            prop.onClick (fun _ -> setCount(count - 1))
            prop.text "Decrement"

        Html.h1 count

open Browser.Dom

let root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById "root")


Quick Start

dotnet new -i Feliz.Template
dotnet new feliz -n MyProject
cd MyProject
npm install
npm start


Feliz has extensive documentation at https://zaid-ajaj.github.io/Feliz with live examples along side code samples, check them out and if you have any question, let us know!