


DockerGS is a container that run Grasscutter (some anime game) with just a single command.<br>

How to connect to server

Since I don't want to write same post, please visit this

How to create a server:

Docker Version

# Database (just once) (use this if you don't have a database outside container or want to use between containers)
docker run --rm -it --name db_gc -p 2777:27017/tcp -d mongo &
# Game server (just once download resources with -download_resource 'yes' after that you can set -download_resource 'no') (remember replace with your pc's ip and don't use "localhost" this is important)
docker run --rm -it \
--name dockergs \
-v resources:/home/dockergs/resources \
-p 22102:22102/udp \
-p 80:80/tcp \
siakbary/dockergs:alpine-gc-4.0 \
--database 'mongodb://' \
--web_ip '' \
--web_port '80' \
--game_ip '' \
--game_port '22102' \
--download_resource 'yes' \
--ssl 'false'
--web_url_ssl "false"

or if you have Docker Compose

git clone https://github.com/YuukiPS/DockerGS
cd DockerGS
# docker compose up  # windows
docker-compose up -d # linux

Windows (Jar Only)

  1. Download & Install Java 17 JDK & MongoDB (If you don't have) (Remember this does not require Install Docker.)
  2. Download file zip, scroll down I'm sure you can find it easily
  3. Open file zip and unzip/open again file DockerGS_GC.tar
  4. When you successfully unzip/open you will find "work_gc" folder click it then Extract it to folder you want (if you have an "Official/other version" Grasscutter you can overwrite it)
  5. Make sure you have a (folder,file) "Resources" which you can get from Yuuki or tamilpp25
  6. Open Terminal (Make sure you open it by right-clicking on folder that has jar file) then type "java -jar grasscutter.jar"
  7. Have fun :)

Ubuntu (Jar Only)



4.0 (20)Alpinelinux/amd64

Download (Jar Only)

4.0 (20)linux/amd64

Some Tips:

How to build this?

Source code YuukiPS is closed now because many people are remove "source link,credits" from public server/vip forum download, so we will only provide original Grasscutter Quest or Grasscutter version for docker/jar later.<br/>

If you wish to Contribute YuukiPS, please contact me.


Clone this with

git clone https://github.com/YuukiPS/DockerGS
cd DockerGS
cd gs
# 0=Patch-2.6, 1=Patch-2.6-Early, 2=Patch-2.7, 3=Patch-2.7-Early, 4=Patch-2.8, 7=3.0, 8=3.1, 9=3.2, 10=3.3, 11=3.4, 12=3.5, 14=3.6, 15=3.6 public,16=3.7 private stable, 17=3.7 private quest, 18=3.7 public, 19=4.0 private, 20=4.0 public (later)

# is your ip computer, make sure you have mongodb installed

sh run.sh # default build localhost

sh run.sh local res 20 # Get Resources File Based Version Server

sh run.sh local start 20 # run localhost server for without docker
sh run.sh alpine start 20 # run localhost server for with docker alpine
sh run.sh ubuntu start 20 # run localhost server for with docker ubuntu

sh run.sh local build 20 # Build local aja jar only
sh run.sh alpine build 20 # Build Docker Image Alpine
sh run.sh ubuntu build 20 # Build Docker Image Ubuntu

sh run.sh ubuntu build 20 multi # Build Docker Image Ubuntu

sh run.sh local sync 20 # Sync Grasscutters to Yuuki

sh run.sh data core # Clone Patch Version



-db --databaseIP Address for your database server, note: use computer ip if you want to run on your own pc/server, no "localhost" because it is IP in Container
-webip --web_ipIP/Domain Public Web Server
-webport --web_portPort Public Web Server, if you want http use port 80 and if you want https use 443 (default 80)
-ssl --sslIf this is set to "true" it will make https not working and if it is "false" it will make http not working. please select: (default false)
-weburlssl --web_url_sslThis changes URL "https" or "http", This is useful if you have a reverse proxy and have your own SSL. (default false)
-gameip --game_ipIP Public Game Server
-gameport --game_portPort Public Game Server
-msgwc --message_welcomeChat Welcome Message
-nmsv --name_serverName Server
-nmow --name_ownerServer Owner Name
-nmrg --name_regionServer Region Name
-mailmsg --mail_messageEmail welcome when registering for first time
-po --player_onlinePlayer limit online (-1 for unlimited)
-loginpass --login_passwordIf you want to be more secure by using password feature at login
-dlres --download_resourceRe-download resources if you type "yes" this is useful if you already have a resources folder but there is latest update
-lang --languageServer Language and includes commands more info
-j --java-Xms500M -Xmx8G more info
-h --helptodo


80Web Server for HTTP. (Not required)
443Web Server for HTTPS. (required)
22102Game Communication (udp) (required)


Power by Grasscutter ❤️