Windows 95 Portfolio
Live Demo:
React Project:
- Inspired by actual windows 95 and some other idea from windows 95's portfolios
- Everything built by me from scratch (No style component!)
Featured Functionality
- Log in
- Drag and Drop
- Change icon size
- Change background
- Run command
- Live Chat
- Notification
- Calendar
- Mine Sweeper
- Shutting Down
All the functionalities
Drag and Drop
Shrink and Expand window
Start Menu
Resize window
Hide and unhide
One click to highlight
Double Click to open (also works on mobile using usestate to capture the first touch and counting time within 3ms)
Introduce Clippy assistant, who always gives you inspiration speeches
now Clippy has function to show up and give you advices, when you click on certain thing
Added Shutdown Button
- Shutdown
- Restart
- log out
Added animation on Shutdown
Added Log in page
- Added mario animation running
- Click on ? button can increase mario's size
Added MSN
- Live chat app connected to backend Node, Express and Mongodb (free server is slow sometimes)
- Chat is live and has expiration key each session to prevent spam
- Added filter words
- Added auto delete for spams on the server side
Added MineSweeper
- flag can now be placed on desktop
Added Settings
- Wallpaper can now be changed
- Theme will also be changed along with wallpapaer
Added Run command
- Created Run command windows 10/04/2024
- Now Run command is fully functioned
- Added Error handling when type in the wrong file name
Added new drag and drop feature
- now every icon can be drag and drop to any folder
- fixed bug where dragging out of fold cause other icon to flow in different direction by adding key to its container to rearrange(re-mount) the container
- icons will now be saved in user localstroage
Added notification when page loaded
- display message and running animation
Added MSN notification
- Notification will pops up when there is a new message when MSN is hidden or closed
Now MSN live chat is using websocket instead of API for better performance
- Added Reconnecting websocket, reconnect chat after user nevigate away and come back
Added Icon size adjustable on the icon next to the clock on footer
Added Calender by clicking the time on the footer 10/30/2024
Added sub folder on start menu imitating real windows 95 functionality 11/06/2024
Added BitCoin price real-time tracking display and icon celebrating BTC hits $100k 12/5/2024
- User can hide / unhide in tap bar
- Using Coinbase websocket to display
Library used:
- React Draggable => drag and drop functionality
- Framer-motion => for some animation
- Webamp => Winamp music player (for music app)
- npm i react-calendar => for calender
All the windows 95 icons and others can be found here special thanks to whoever own this web site: