

iTerm2 Theme Generator


iTerm2 Theme Generator is a Python3 program that allows you to generate color themes for iTerm2.

By providing a template file with hex color codes, you can create custom color themes.


Create your theme from theme_template.json.
The color codes should be in the format #rrggbb or #rrggbbaa.

Generate a single theme:

python generate.py --theme [theme_file.json]

Generate a theme with both light and dark modes:

python generate.py --light [light_theme_file.json] --dark [dark_theme_file.json]

[!IMPORTANT] Themes with both light and dark modes are only available in iTerm2@3.5 or later versions.


The program accepts the following arguments:


Here is an example command to generate the Iceberg theme:

python generate.py --light example/iceberg_light.json --dark example/iceberg_dark.json --export "Iceberg"

When you run this command, it will generate an Iceberg.itermcolors file.

The actual Iceberg.itermcolors file can be found in Iceberg for iTerm2.


iTerm2 Theme Generator is released under a free and open-source license. You are welcome to contribute to the project and make any modifications or enhancements.


Contributions to iTerm2 Theme Generator are highly appreciated. If you'd like to contribute, feel free to submit a pull request or report issues. Together, we can make this program even better!