

K8s Playground's Backend App

ci e2e build backend golangci-lint Renovate



Container Security

API Mode

<!-- ## Architecture This sample application consists of three services: app, auth, and mail.<br> ### Authentication Sessions are created and checked via the auth service. The app service has two kinds of endpoints: public endpoints, and private endpoints.<br> Public endpoints can be accessed without authentication, and private endpoints need authentication. Since these services depend on Ingress-NGINX's external authentication,<br> in local use, you just need to add `X-Auth` header to use private endpoints. ### Sending Mails Sending mails are handled asynchronously.<br> The app service receives sending requests at `/api/v1/mails`, and enqueues messages.<br> The mail service dequeues messages, and sends e-mails. --> <!-- ## Local Usage 1. Create `.env` file. ```bash cat <<EOF > .env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD={ROOT_PASSWORD} MYSQL_DATABASE={DATABASE_NAME} MYSQL_USER={USER} MYSQL_PASSWORD={PASSWORD} REDIS_PASSWORD={PASSWORD} EOF ``` 2. Start apps. ```bash ./script/e2e.sh up ``` ## Preparation for Kind Sample 0. Register to DockerHub if you have never used. 1. Create a repository "kind-backend" at DockerHub 2. Fork this repository. 3. Add your DockerHub username and password as `DOCKERHUB_USERNAME` and `DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD` to the repository secret. 4. Run `build backend` action. -->