

Published Codes by Yujie WANG

Name Rules

To make it easy for readers to locate the models, the projects are named by the rule of Year-Author-Journal-FirstTitleWord.


2024-Wang-GCB-BeyondJulia and Python code used for data analysis and plotting
2024-Wang-JAMES-TowardJulia and Python code used for data analysis and plotting
2023-Wang-CROPE-AgricultureJulia code for the prototype models for crop studies
2023-Braghiere-AGUAdvances-ImportanceJulia code for the hyperspectral soil albedo project
2023-Wang-JAMES-ModelingJulia code used to plot the figures used in CliMA Land global simulations
2022-Wang-BG-CommonJulia code used to plot the figure for plant hydraulics models
2022-Wang-SDATA-GriddingMachineJulia code used to plot the figure for GriddingMachine illustration
2022-Wang-BG-ImpactJulia code used to evluate the impact of canopy model complexity on water and SIF fluxes
2021-Wang-GMD-TestingJulia code used to run site level CliMA Land simulations
2021-Braghiere-RSE-AccountingJulia code used to fit leaf biophysical parameters
2021-Wang-NPh-OptimizationJulia code used to simulate optimal nighttime stomatal conductance
2020-Wang-NPh-TheoreticalPython code for stomatal optimization models
2019-Wang-TPh-StomatalJulia version of Sperry gain-risk model (basic version)
2018-Venturas-NPh-StomatalExcel version of Sperry gain-risk model (more updated)
2017-Sperry-PCE-PredictingExcel version of Sperry gain-risk model
2016-Sperry-NPh-PragmaticC and Python cide to combine the VCs of root, stem, and leaf into an integrated tree VC
2015-Wang-PPh-StemPython code to fit bubble pressure in conduits of recently cavitated stem from two points
2015-Wang-PPh-StudiesPython code to fit bubble pressure in conduits of recently cavitated stem from a curve
2014-Wang-JPH-ImprovedSoftware for Chinatron and brief manual


For the Julia projects, the Manifest.toml files were provided for the exact model version as the models are actively being developed. Therefore, you need to use

pkg> instantiate

Otherwise, the code likely would not work if you update to the latest code.