

nCov2019: An R package for exploring COVID-19 statistics

The package was developed since Jan. 2020 and originally hosted on GuangchuangYu/nCov2019. This repo contains an up-to-date version with data from new sources (from worldometers and JHUCSSE) and new data types (vaccine and therapeutics data).

:house: Data Sources

Fetching data using API provided by disease.sh

Find out more on the vignette vignette.

:writing_hand: Authors

Guangchuang YU and Tianzhi Wu


If you use nCov2019, please cite the following article:

Wu T, Hu E, Ge X<sup>*</sup>, Yu G<sup>*</sup>. 2021. nCov2019: an R package for studying the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. PeerJ 9:e11421 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.11421

:arrow_double_down: Installation

Get the development version from github:

## install.packages("remotes")

:beginner: Usages

:art: Example

Run the script example.R in R using source("example.R"), will produce the following figure:

:book: Documents

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Shiny Apps that use nCov2019

:sparkling_heart: Collected in resource list