

<div align="center"> <h1>MultiFunPlayer</h1> <br/> <img src="Assets/screenshot.png" style="border-radius: 8px"/> </div> <br/>


MultiFunPlayer synchronizes your devices with video files using scripts. The player has the ability to synchronize multiple devices with multiple scripts at the same time enabling enhanced experience.


Patreon only features

Main features

How To

To synchronize with videos:

Once your video player and output are connected, scripts can be loaded in several ways:

<details> <summary>Common</summary>
AxisDescriptionValid file names
L0Up/Down<video name>.funscript
L1Forward/Backward<video name>.surge.funscript
L2Left/Right<video name>.sway.funscript
R0Twist<video name>.twist.funscript
R1Roll<video name>.roll.funscript
R2Pitch<video name>.pitch.funscript
</details> <details> <summary>TCode v0.2</summary>
AxisDescriptionValid file names
V0Vibrate<video name>.vib.funscript
V1Pump<video name>.lube.funscript
L3Suction<video name>.suck.funscript
</details> <details> <summary>TCode v0.3</summary>
AxisDescriptionValid file names
V0Vibrate<video name>.vib.funscript
A0Valve<video name>.valve.funscript
A1Suction<video name>.suck.funscript
A2Lube<video name>.lube.funscript
</details> </br>

The above file names are standard and recommended, other supported script names can be seen and configured in "Device" settings.

The above file names are matched in all script libraries and in the currently playing video directory.



<table> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 250px"><a href="https://www.aliexpress.com/store/1103361043/pages/all-items.html"><img src="Assets/logo_funosr.png"/></a></td> <td style="min-width: 200px"><strong>Thank you to FUNOSR for providing me with their devices! </br> It will help ensure MultiFunPlayer behaves correctly with all device types. </br></br> If you don't have OSR2 or SR6 to use with MultiFunPlayer you can get one built for you with their custom low noise brushless servos via their <a href="https://www.aliexpress.com/store/1103361043/pages/all-items.html">shop</a>.</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="https://www.patreon.com/yoooi"><img src="Assets/logo_patreon.png"/></a></td> <td><strong>Thank you to all 200+ patreon members who allow me to dedicate more time to MultiFunPlayer!</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table>