NAGCN: Node-aligned Graph Convolutional Network for Whole-slide Image Representation and Classification (CVPR2022)
- NumPy
- Pandas
- Scikit-learn
- Tqdm
- PyTorch
- PyTorch Geometric
Data Preparation
First, download TCGA data. You need to cut whole-slide images (WSIs) into patches (e.g. size $256\times 256$ at $20\times$ magnification) , and then generate the instance-level features using an encoder network. The instance-level features of each WSI are used to generate the WSI bag. Each WSI bag is stored as a .pt
After that you need to generate an index file (in .pth
format), which stores a python list
, and each item of the list is a dict
, which corresponds to one WSI information.
[{'slide': '', 'shape': torch.Size([N, D]), 'target': 'y'}]
- slide: the file of WSI bag
- shape: the size of WSI bag
- target: the label string of WSI
Clustering Sampling
Perform hierarchical global-to-local sampling strategy to build visual codebook and generate the sampled WSI bags.
$ python
Graph Construction
Construct WSI graphs using the sampled WSI bags.
$ python
Experiment on TCGA Dataset
If you want to cite this work, please use the following BibTeX entry.
author = {Guan, Yonghang and Zhang, Jun and Tian, Kuan and Yang, Sen and Dong, Pei and Xiang, Jinxi and Yang, Wei and Huang, Junzhou and Zhang, Yuyao and Han, Xiao},
title = {Node-Aligned Graph Convolutional Network for Whole-Slide Image Representation and Classification},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2022},
pages = {18813-18823}