



BlendedMVS is a large-scale MVS dataset for generalized multi-view stereo networks. The dataset contains 17k MVS training samples covering a variety of 113 scenes, including architectures, sculptures and small objects.

<a href="https://www.altizure.com/project-model?pid=5bfe5ae0fe0ea555e6a969ca"><img src="doc/cover0.gif" width="425"></a> <a href="https://www.altizure.com/project-model?pid=58eaf1513353456af3a1682a"><img src="doc/cover1.gif" width="425"></a>

<a href="https://www.altizure.com/project-model?pid=5c34529873a8df509ae57b58"><img src="doc/cover2.gif" width="425"></a> <a href="https://www.altizure.com/project-model?pid=57f8d9bbe73f6760f10e916a"><img src="doc/cover3.gif" width="425"></a>

Upgrade to BlendedMVG

BlendedMVG, a superset of BlendedMVS, is a multi-purpose large-scale dataset for solving multi-view geometry related problems. Except for the 113 scenes in BlendedMVS dataset, we follow its blending procedure to generate 389 more scenes (originally shown in GL3D) for BlendedMVG. The training image number is increased from 17k to over 110k.

BlendedMVG and its preceding works (BlendedMVS and GL3D) have been applied to several key 3D computer vision tasks, including image retrieval, image feature detection and description, two-view outlier rejection and multi-view stereo. If you find BlendedMVS or BlendedMVG useful for your research, please cite:

  title={BlendedMVS: A Large-scale Dataset for Generalized Multi-view Stereo Networks},
  author={Yao, Yao and Luo, Zixin and Li, Shiwei and Zhang, Jingyang and Ren, Yufan and Zhou, Lei and Fang, Tian and Quan, Long},
  journal={Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},


<a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/"><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by/4.0/88x31.png" /></a><br /><span xmlns:dct="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" href="http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/Dataset" property="dct:title" rel="dct:type">BlendedMVS and BlendedMVG</span> are licensed under a <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>!!!


For MVS networks, BlendedMVG is preprocessed and split into 3 smaller subsets (BlendedMVS, BlendedMVS+ and BlendedMVS++):

Dataset        Resolution (768 x 576)Resolution (2048 x 1536)Supplementaries
BlendedMVS           low-res set (27.5 GB)    high-res set (156 GB)    textured meshes (9.42 GB), other images (7.56 GB)
BlendedMVS+low-res set (81.5 GB)        -      -
BlendedMVS++low-res set (80.0 GB)  -    -   

Experiments in BlendedMVS paper were conducting using the BlendedMVS low-res-dataset. In most cases, the low-res dataset would be enough.

Dataset Structure

BlendedMVS(G) dataset adopts MVSNet input format. Please structure your dataset as listed below after downloading the whole dataset:  

├── BlendedMVG_list.txt                
├── BlendedMVS_list.txt                 
├── BlendedMVS+_list.txt                
├── BlendedMVS++_list.txt              
├── ...
├── PID0                        
│   ├── blended_images          
│   │	├── 00000000.jpg        
│   │	├── 00000000_masked.jpg        
│   │	├── 00000001.jpg        
│   │	├── 00000001_masked.jpg        
│   │	└── ...                 
│   ├── cams                      
│   │  	├── pair.txt           
│   │  	├── 00000000_cam.txt    
│   │  	├── 00000001_cam.txt    
│   │  	└── ...                 
│   └── rendered_depth_maps     
│      	├── 00000000.pfm        
│     	├── 00000001.pfm        
│     	└── ...                    
├── PID1                        
├── ...                         
└── PID501     

PID here is the unique project ID listed in the BlendedMVG_list.txt file. We provide blended images with and without masks.  For detailed file formats, please refer to MVSNet.

What you can do with BlendedMVS(G)?

Please refer to following repositories on how to apply BlendedMVS(G) on multi-view stereo and feature detector/descriptor networks:

Tasks            Repositories                                          
Multi-view stereoMVSNet & R-MVSNet
Descriptors & DetectorsGL3D & ASLFeat & ContextDesc & GeoDesc  

Except for the above tasks, we believe BlendedMVS(G) could also be applied to a variety of geometry related problems, including, but not limited to:

Feel free to modify the dataset and adjust to your own tasks!



2020 April 13:

2020 April 13:

2022 June 8: