

Attention as Activation

MXNet/Gluon code for "Attention as Activation" https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.07729

What's in this repo so far:


Install MXNet and Gluon-CV:

pip install --upgrade mxnet-cu100 gluoncv



Training script:

python train_imagenet.py --mode hybrid --lr 0.075 --lr-mode cosine --num-epochs 160 --batch-size 128 --num-gpus 2 -j 48 --warmup-epochs 5 --dtype float16 --use-rec --last-gamma --no-wd --label-smoothing --save-dir params_resnet50_v1b_ChaATAC_2 --logging-file resnet50_v1b_ChaATAC_2.log --r 2 --act-layers 2

The trained model params and training log are in ./params

ArchitectureGFlopsParamstop-1 err.top-5 err.
ResNet-50 [1]3.8625.6M23.306.55
SE-ResNet-50 [2]3.8728.1M22.125.99
AA-ResNet-50 [3]8.325.8M22.306.20
FA-ResNet-50 [4]7.218.0M22.40/
GE-𝜽^+-ResNet-50 [5]3.8733.7M21.885.80
ATAC-ResNet-50 (ours)4.428.0M21.416.02

CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100

Training script:

python train_cifar.py --gpus 0 --num-epochs 400 --mode hybrid -j 32 --batch-size 128 --wd 0.0001 --lr 0.2 --lr-decay 0.1 --lr-decay-epoch 300,350 --dataset cifar100 --model atac --act-type ChaATAC --useReLU --r 2 --blocks 3

<img src=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/YimianDai/imgbed/master/github/atac/atac_cifar100_activation_c_1.png width=50%>


<a id="1">[1]</a> Kaiming He, Xiangyu Zhang, Shaoqing Ren, Jian Sun: Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition. CVPR 2016: 770-778

<a id="2">[2]</a> Jie Hu, Li Shen, Gang Sun: Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks. CVPR 2018: 7132-7141

<a id="3">[3]</a> Irwan Bello, Barret Zoph, Quoc Le, Ashish Vaswani, Jonathon Shlens: Attention Augmented Convolutional Networks. ICCV 2019: 3285-3294

<a id="4">[4]</a> Niki Parmar, Prajit Ramachandran, Ashish Vaswani, Irwan Bello, Anselm Levskaya, Jon Shlens: Stand-Alone Self-Attention in Vision Models. NeurIPS 2019: 68-80

<a id="5">[5]</a> Jie Hu, Li Shen, Samuel Albanie, Gang Sun, Andrea Vedaldi: Gather-Excite: Exploiting Feature Context in Convolutional Neural Networks. NeurIPS 2018: 9423-9433