

🤖 dataloader-codegen

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dataloader-codegen is an opinionated JavaScript library for automagically generating DataLoaders over a set of resources (e.g. HTTP endpoints), with a predictable interface, and maintains type safety.

Read more about the motivation behind this library in our recent blog post: https://engineeringblog.yelp.com/2020/04/open-sourcing-dataloader-codegen.html




$ yarn add --dev dataloader-codegen


See: https://engineeringblog.yelp.com/2020/04/open-sourcing-dataloader-codegen.html

We believe the DataLoader layer should be (mostly) transparent when implementing a GraphQL server over a set of existing resources (e.g. HTTP API Endpoints).

When fetching data, GraphQL resolver authors should think in terms of the underlying resources that they're already familiar with, not an invented set of human defined DataLoaders.

With dataloader-codegen, we build a 1:1 mapping of resources to DataLoaders:

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Yelp/dataloader-codegen/master/images/mapping.png" height="400" />

This makes it super easy to find the DataLoaders you want - there will be exactly 1 DataLoader available per resource, with a predictable name and interface.

This means reduced risk of making unnecessary HTTP requests.

If there were (accidentally!) multiple DataLoaders created for a single endpoint, we potentially lose out on batched requests to that resource.

By keeping the mapping of one DataLoader per resource, we reduce that risk and can make a more efficient set of HTTP requests to the underlying resource.


  1. Create dataloader-config.yaml to describe the shape and behaviour of your resources. (See the docs for detailed info.)


            docsLink: https://swapi.dev/documentation#people
            isBatchResource: true
            batchKey: people_ids
            newKey: person_id
            docsLink: https://swapi.dev/documentation#planets
            isBatchResource: true
            batchKey: planet_ids
            newKey: planet_id

    (Can be arbitrarily nested. See the swapi example for an example.)

  2. Call dataloader-codegen and pass in your config file:

    $ dataloader-codegen --config swapi.dataloader-config.yaml --output __codegen__/swapi-loaders.js

    See --help for more options.

  3. Import the generated loaders and use them in your resolver methods:

    import getLoaders from './__codegen__/swapi-loaders';
    // StarWarsAPI is a clientlib containing fetch calls to swapi.dev
    // getLoaders is the function that dataloader-codegen generates for us
    const swapiLoaders = getLoaders(StarWarsAPI);
    class Planet {
        constructor(id) {
            this.id = id;
        async diameter() {
            const { diameter } = await swapiLoaders.getPlanets.load({ planet_id: this.id });
            return diameter;

    Check out the swapi example to see a working example of this.

Batch Resources

The DataLoader .load interface accepts a single key and returns a single value. For batch resources, we'll need to transform the DataLoader interface accordingly.


Consider the following resource that returns information about users:

const getUserInfo = (args: {
    user_ids: Array<number>,
    locale: string,
    include_slow_fields?: boolean,
}): Promise<Array<UserInfo>> => fetch('/userInfo', args);

This is a batch resource that accepts a list of users (user_ids) and returns a list of corresponding user objects (Array<UserInfo>).

For the DataLoader version of this, we'll want to instead ask for a single user object at a time. This means we need to transform the interface in the following ways:

  1. Call .load with the same arguments, but switch "user_ids" to "user_id".

  2. Return a single UserInfo object from .load, instead of an array of UserInfo objects.


We can control this by specifying batchKey and newKey in the config to describe the relevant argument in the resource and DataLoader respectively.

The config for our getUserInfo would therefore look like this:

        isBatchResource: true
        batchKey: user_ids
        newKey: user_id

See the full docs for more information on how to configure resources.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


