Repeated Augmented Rehearsal (RAR) for online continual learning
This is the official code repository for Repeated Augmented Rehearsal (NeurIPS 2022). If you use any content of this repo for your work, please cite the following bib entry:
author = {Zhang, Yaqian and Pfahringer, Bernhard and Frank, Eibe and Bifet, Albert and Lim, Nick Jin Sean and Jia, Yunzhe},
booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
pages = {14771--14783},
title = {A simple but strong baseline for online continual learning: Repeated Augmented Rehearsal},
url = {},
volume = {35},
year = {2022}
Create a virtual enviroment
virtualenv rar
Activating a virtual environment
source rar/bin/activate
Installing packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run commands
bash runs
A test run of Repeated Augmented Rehearsal(RAR) with experience replay can be performed with the following command:
bash run_commands/runs/
Other experiment commands can be found in the folder of run_commands/runs.
Detailed descriptions of options can be found in and utils/argparser
For example:
The number of repeated iteration is set via:
--mem_iters $MEM_ITER
The number of augmentation strength is set via:
--randaug True --randaug_N $RAUG_N --randaug_M $RAUG_M
Evaluation the results
The results of algorithm outputs will be stored in the folder of results.
The jupyter notebook visualize_results.ipynb is used to visualize and analyze results.
- LwF: Learning without forgetting (ECCV, 2016) [Paper]
- AGEM: Averaged Gradient Episodic Memory (ICLR, 2019) [Paper]
- ER: Experience Replay (ICML Workshop, 2019) [Paper]
- ASER: Adversarial Shapley Value Experience Replay(AAAI, 2021) [Paper]
- MIR: Maximally Interfered Retrieval (NeurIPS, 2019) [Paper]
- SCR: Supervised Contrastive Replay (CVPR Workshop, 2021) [Paper]
- DER: Dark Experience Replay (NeurIPS, 2020) [Paper]
Online Class Incremental
- Split CIFAR100
- Split Mini-ImageNet
- CORe50-NC
- CLRS-NC (Continual Learning Benchmark for Remote Sensing Image Scene Classification)
Data preparation
- CIFAR100 will be downloaded during the first run
- CORE50 download:
- Mini-ImageNet: Download from , and place it in datasets/mini_imagenet/
- CLRS: Download from
Thanks for the great code base from: