

YATL - Yet Another (Haxe) Tweening Library

Because every Haxe dev should do one at some point.


The macro tweener

// This tweener will tween x and y variables and will take any objects that satisfy XYObj typedef.
// You can use only typedefs or classes at the moment (no monomorphs or abstracts).
typedef XYObj =
  var x:Float;
  var y:Float;

class PosTween extends VariableTween<XYObj> { }

// ...

var t:PosTween = new PostTween();
// Each VariableTween subclass will get a `setup` function that will take arguments:
// target:T, ...list of tweened values..., [duration:Float], [ease function:Float->Float], [start = true]
// In this caes values are x:Float and y:Float.
t.setup(someSprite, 10, 10, 2, Ease.quintIn);


Public domain, because everybody should suffer from flux of tweening libraries.