itemis SECURE Examples
This repository contains educative examples for itemis SECURE . SECURE is a tool that allows to perform Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment in compliance with ISO21434.
How to use? - Example Projects
Start the app and open one of the examples contained in this repository as a project.
Within SECURE, go to
Help | Example Walkthrough Videos
to get some more insights about the purpose of the tool and its capabilities.
How to use? - itemis Excel template
Many users of our tool still manage data in Excel sheets. And we are aware of that fact. To ease the transition, we offer a standatized Excel template that SECURE is able to import from.
This repository therefore also contains the latest version of this template filled with the same data as the ´ISOExample´ example project.
Within SECURE you can select a model in the Project View and then go to Import/Export | Import itemis Excel Template into Current Model...
and select the filled out template to import your data from our default Excel format.
- You're welcome to open a PR if you have an extension to an existing example, or want to contribute a (non-confidential) new example
- If you have a nice integration into your toolchain, you may want to share it with the openXSAM community