


Another tool to perform minidump of LSASS process using few technics to avoid detection.


POSTDump is the C# / .NET implementation of the ReactOS minidump function (like nanodump), thus avoiding call to the Windows API MiniDumpWriteDump function. The dump logic code is saved under the POSTMinidump project, feel free to use it for your own projects.

Such as NanoDump, you can encrypt or use an invalid signature for the minidump.

Usage of ProcExp driver is supported to dump/kill protected processes.



c:\Temp>PostDump.exe --help

-o, --output        Output filename [default: Machine_datetime.dmp] (fullpath handled)

-e, --encrypt       Encrypt dump in-memory

-s, --signature     Generate invalid Minidump signature

--snap              Use snapshot technic

--fork              Use fork technic [default]

--elevate-handle    Open a handle to LSASS with low privileges and duplicate it to gain higher privileges

--duplicate-elevate Look for existing lsass handle to duplicate and elevate

--asr               Attempt LSASS dump using ASR bypass (win10/11/2019) (no signature/no encrypt)

--driver            Use Process Explorer driver to open lsass handle (bypass PPL) and dump lsass

--kill [processID]  Use Process Explorer driver to kill process and exit

--help              Display this help screen.


Improvements idea



<div align="center"> <a href="https://www.post.lu/business/produits-et-services/cyberforce" title="Follow"> <img width="150" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/de/c/c6/Post_Luxembourg_Logo_2013.png"> </a> </div>

I work at POST Luxembourg and thank them for allocating some time for me to develop and maintain this project! Visit POST website at https://www.post.lu/business/produits-et-services/cyberforce.



This software has been created purely for the purposes of academic research and for the development of effective defensive techniques, and is not intended to be used to attack systems except where explicitly authorized. Project maintainers are not responsible or liable for misuse of the software. Use responsibly.