


Contrastive Self-supervised Sequential Recommendation with Robust Augmentation (CoSeRec)

Source code for paper: Contrastive Self-supervised Sequential Recommendation with Robust Augmentation

Model architecture:

<img src="./img/framework.png" width="800">

Data Augmentations:

<img src="./img/augmentation.png" width="600">


Please cite our paper if you use this code.

  title={Contrastive self-supervised sequential recommendation with robust augmentation},
  author={Liu, Zhiwei and Chen, Yongjun and Li, Jia and Yu, Philip S and McAuley, Julian and Xiong, Caiming},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.06479},



Python >= 3.7
Pytorch >= 1.2.0
tqdm == 4.26.0


Four prepared datasets are included in data folder.

Train Model

To train CoSeRec on Sports_and_Outdoors dataset, change to the src folder and run following command:

bash sports.sh

You can train CoSeRec on Beauty or Yelp in a similar way.

The script will automatically train CoSeRec and save the best model found in validation set, and then evaluate on test set. You are expected to get following results after training:

'HIT@5': '0.0287', 'NDCG@5': '0.0194', 'HIT@10': '0.0437', 'NDCG@10': '0.0242', 'HIT@20': '0.0635', 'NDCG@20': '0.0292'

Evaluate Model

You can directly evaluate a trained model on test set by running:

python main.py --data_name Sports_and_Outdoors --model_idx 0 --do_eval

We provide a model that trained on Sports_and_Games, Beauty, and Yelp in ./src/output folder. Please feel free to test is out.
