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A native extension for GameMaker (GMS1, GMS2, GMS2.3+) that implements various Steam API features not covered by the built-in functions - most importantly, P2P networking, lobbies, and matchmaking.



  1. Set up GameMaker for Steamworks SDK development (GMS1, GMS2).
  2. Enable Steamworks support for desired platform(s) in Global Game Settings, "Steam" tab. Don't forget to set the game ID.
  3. Import the "Steamworks.gml" extension (from ./Steamworks.gmx/extensions) to your desired project.
  4. Have the game call steam_gml_update once per step (required for steam events to dispatch).

If all is well, upon running the game you'll see Steamworks.gml initialized successfully. in the CompileForm.

Steamworks.gml failed to link with Steam API. means that either the Steam client is not running, or you have specified an incorrect App ID.

Steamworks.gml binary is not loaded. means that the DLL/DyLib/SO could not be loaded, usually due to the native extension file missing or being otherwise inaccessible.

Note: If you are grabbing the sample project straight from this repository, you will need to compile it first using Visual Studio (Windows) or via included .sh scripts (Mac, Linux). Sample project page has pre-compiled binaries.


Download or clone the repository.

Create a steamworks_sdk_135a directory and place Steamworks SDK 1.35a there (for GMS1).

Create a steamworks_sdk_142 directory and place Steamworks SDK 1.42 there (for GMS2).

For both directories, Readme.txt should be directly inside the directory (steamworks_sdk_135a/Readme.txt) - no subdirectories!


Author: Vadim "YellowAfterlife" Dyachenko

License: MIT https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

Special thanks