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Versions: GameMaker: Studio 1.4, GMS2.2, GMS2.3/GM2022+
Platforms: Windows, Windows (YYC)
This extension gives GameMaker games a custom window caption+border that act like a native one.
That includes the minimize/maximize buttons, moving/resizing the window, common (and less common) keyboard and mouse shortcuts, and even the window shadow and rounded borders on Windows 11.
Having a custom border+caption subsequently allows for a few things:
- Toggling window border on demand
- Supporting exclusive fullscreen, borderless fullscreen, and windowed modes.
(which more and more players expect from you as time goes on) - Not freezing the application while the user is dragging the window around.
(essential for competitive online games) - Customizing the title bar and/or border.
(now that it's game code that's drawing them)
What's interesting here
A lot of this extension is pretty normal code, really - buttons, callbacks, variables for customization. Not complex, but there's a bunch of it.
Default icons and animations are stylized to look akin to Windows 10, which also took a little while. And apparently UI scale doesn't just scale component sizes by X%? That's fun.
On other hand, a native window shadow on a borderless window turned out to be a surprisingly high-effort feature consisting of multiple poorly documented WinAPI tricks.
Author: YellowAfterlife
License: Custom license (see LICENSE