This is a "template" project for creating C++ DLLs for GameMaker!
Intended to be copied via copyre, like so:
copyre GMSDLL MyExtension GMSDLL
(which copies GMSDLL/ to MyExtension/ while changing each occurrence of GMSDLL in files/names to MyExtension)
As part of first-time setup, you'll also want to add GmlCppExtFuncs and GmxGen either to your PATH or to the project directory.
These are used as pre-build and post-build steps respectively and are used to streamline the update process - so that you can do
int64_t my_id = 0;
dllg int64_t get_id() {
return my_id;
without dealing with GM limitations or manually adding functions to the extension file via UI (see GmlCppExtFuncs documentation for details)