

Image Style Disentangling for Instance-level Facial Attribute Transfer (CVIU 2021)

Xuyang Guo, Meina Kan, Zhenliang He, Xingguang Song, Shiguang Shan






Instance-level facial attribute transfer aims at transferring an attribute including its style from a source face to a target one. Existing studies have limitations on fidelity or correctness. To address this problem, we propose a weakly supervised style disentangling method embedded in Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) for accurate instance-level attribute transfer, using only binary attribute annotations. In our method, the whole attributes transfer process is designed as two steps for easier transfer, which first removes the original attribute or transfers it to a neutral state and then adds the attributes style disentangled from a source face. Moreover, a style disentangling module is proposed to extract the attribute style of an image used in the adding step. Our method aims for accurate attribute style transfer. However, it is also capable of semantic attribute editing as a special case, which is not achievable with existing instance-level attribute transfer methods. Comprehensive experiments on CelebA Dataset show that our method can transfer the style more precisely than existing methods, with an improvement of 39% in user study, 16.5% in accuracy, and about 3.3 in FID.



Clone this repo.

git clone https://github.com/XuyangGuo/STD-GAN.git

The code requires python 3.6.

We recommend using Anaconda to regulate packages.


Editing by Pretrained Model

Please download the pre-trained model, move it to ./ with the correct path CtrlHair/model_trained.

python test.py -a @AttributesName -t @TargetImagePath -s @SourceImagePath -r @ResultImagePath -c 001

Here are explanations of parameters:

We provide some target images and sample images of each attribute in input_imgs for convenient usage. Example of usage:

python test.py -a Bangs,Smiling -t input_imgs/Bangs/0/01.jpg -s input_imgs/Bangs/1/02.jpg -r temp/temp.jpg -c 001

In addition, for the performance of the validation set during training, please refer to the sample_training and sample_training_multi_diff_x0 folders under model_trained/001_default, and refer to summaries for the value change of loss funciton.

Editing with Batch

If you want to edit with a mass batch, or want to achieve editing functions such as interpolation, multi style sampling, and continuous gradient, etc, please modify the interfaces of test.py -> test_transfer.

Training New Models

Data Preparation

Please download the CelebA dataset.

Training Networks

python train.py -c xxx

Here is explanation of parameter:

Explanation of important hyper-parameters in config:


If you use this code for your research, please cite our papers.

  title={Image style disentangling for instance-level facial attribute transfer},
  author={Guo, Xuyang and Kan, Meina and He, Zhenliang and Song, Xingguang and Shan, Shiguang},
  journal={Computer Vision and Image Understanding},

This work also inspires our subsequent work X. Guo, et al., CtrlHair (ECCV2022) for controllable hair editing.

References & Acknowledgments