

Hierarchical and Partially Observable Goal-driven Policy Learning with Goals Relational Graph

<img src="https://github.com/Xin-Ye-1/HRL-GRG/blob/main/overview.png" width="80%" height="80%" align=center />

This is the source code for our HRL-GRG model and the baseline methods we mentioned in the paper.

paper | project webpage


Our code is developed and tested under the following dependencies:

Before running the code, please specify the path to the code directory in the config.json that can be found in both the grid_world, the robotic_object_search/House3D and the robotic_object_search/AI2-THOR directory.

Before running the robotic object search code on AI2-THOR, please download our pre-processed data sourced from AI2-THOR and extract at the robotic_object_search/AI2-THOR directory.

Before running the robotic object search code on House3D, please download our pre-processed data sourced from House3D and extract at the robotic_object_search/House3D directory.

Download our pre-trained models and put them in the corresponding code directories for training and/or evaluating our method.


Grid-world domain

To train our model HRL-GRG in the paper, run this command:

# From grid-world/HRL-GRG/

To train other baseline methods mentioned in the paper, run the same command from the corresponding directories.

Robotic Object Search


To train our model HRL-GRG in the paper, run this command:

# Specify the parameters in robotic_object_search/AI2-THOR/HRL-GRG/train.sh, 
# and from robotic_object_search/AI2-THOR/HRL-GRG/


# From robotic_object_search/AI2-THOR/HRL-GRG/
python train.py \
    --pretrained_model_path=${PATH_TO_PRETRAINED_MODEL} \

where the pretrained_model_path is ../A3C/result_pretrain/model.


To train our model HRL-GRG in the paper, run this command:

# Specify the parameters in robotic_object_search/House3D/HRL-GRG/train.sh, 
# and from robotic_object_search/House3D/HRL-GRG/


# From robotic_object_search/House3D/HRL-GRG/
python train.py \
    --default_scenes=<enviroments_to_train> \
    --default_targets=<target_objects_to_train> \
    --pretrained_model_path=${PATH_TO_PRETRAINED_MODEL} \

where the pretrained_model_path is ../A3C/result_se_for_pretrain/model for the single environment setting, and ../A3C/result_me_for_pretrain/model for the multiple environments setting.

To train other baseline methods mentioned in the paper, run the same command from the corresponding directories.

Evaluation and Results

Grid-world domain

To evaluate our method HRL-GRG on the grid-world domain, and reproduce the results of our method on the unseen grid-world maps for seen goals as follows,

Unseen Envs Seen GoalsSRAS / MSSPL
HRL-GRG0.5728.71 / 9.030.33

run this command:

# From grid_world/HRL-GRG/
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=-1 python evaluate.py \

To reproduce the results for the unseen goals and the overall goals, specify the evaluate_file as '../random_method/maps_16X16_v6_valid_unseengoals.txt' and '../random_method/maps_16X16_v6_valid_total.txt' respectively.

To evaluate other baseline methods, run the same command from the corresponding directories.

Robotic Object Search


To evaluate our method HRL-GRG for the robotic object search task on AI2-THOR, and reproduce the results of our method on the seen environments for seen goals as follows,

Seen Env Seen GoalsSRSPL

run this command,

# From robotic_object_search/AI2-THOR/HRL-GRG/
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=-1 python evaluate.py \
  --model_path="result_pretrain/model" \

To reproduce the results for the seen environments unseen goals, unseen environments seen goals and unseen environments unseen goals, specify the evaluate_file as '../random_method/ssuo.txt', '../random_method/usso.txt' and '../random_method/usuo.txt' respectively.

To evaluate the corresponding Random method, run the following command with the evaluate_file being specified respectively.

# From robotic_object_search/AI2-THOR/random_method/
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=-1 python random_walk.py \


To evaluate our method HRL-GRG for the robotic object search task on House3D,

# From robotic_object_search/House3D/HRL-GRG/
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=-1 python evaluate.py \
  --model_path="result_se_pretrain/model" \

to reproduce the results of our method on the single environment for the seen goals as follows,

Single Env Seen GoalsSRSPL
# From robotic_object_search/House3D/HRL-GRG/
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=-1 python evaluate.py \
  --model_path="result_se_pretrain/model" \

to reproduce the results of our method on the single environment for the unseen goals as follows,

Single Env Unseen GoalsSRSPL
# From robotic_object_search/House3D/HRL-GRG/
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=-1 python evaluate.py \
  --model_path="result_me_pretrain/model" \

to reproduce the results of our method on the multiple environments for the seen environments as follows,

Multiple Envs Seen EnvsSRSPL
# From robotic_object_search/House3D/HRL-GRG/
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=-1 python evaluate.py \
  --model_path="result_me_pretrain/model" \

to reproduce the results of our method on the multiple environments for the unseen environments as follows,

Multiple Envs Unseen EnvsSRSPL

To evaluate other baseline methods, run the same command from the corresponding directories.