

FlowFormer++: Masked Cost Volume Autoencoding for Pretraining Optical Flow Estimation

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FlowFormer++: Masked Cost Volume Autoencoding for Pretraining Optical Flow Estimation
Xiaoyu Shi<sup>*</sup>, Zhaoyang Huang<sup>*</sup>, Dasong Li, Manyuan Zhang, Ka Chun Cheung, Simon See, Hongwei Qin, Jifeng Dai, Hongsheng Li
CVPR 2023

<img src="assets/demo.png">

Data Preparation

We first pretrain FlowFormer++ on the YoutubeVOS dataset. For finetuning, similar to RAFT, you will need to download the required datasets.

By default datasets.py will search for the datasets in these locations. You can create symbolic links to wherever the datasets were downloaded in the datasets folder

├── datasets
    ├── Sintel
        ├── test
        ├── training
    ├── KITTI
        ├── testing
        ├── training
        ├── devkit
    ├── FlyingChairs_release
        ├── data
    ├── FlyingThings3D
        ├── frames_cleanpass
        ├── frames_finalpass
        ├── optical_flow


conda create --name flowformerpp
conda activate flowformerpp
conda install pytorch=1.6.0 torchvision=0.7.0 cudatoolkit=10.1 matplotlib tensorboard scipy opencv -c pytorch
pip install yacs loguru einops timm==0.4.12 imageio


The script will load the config according to the training stage. The trained model will be saved in a directory in logs. For example, the following script will load the config configs/pretrain_config.py. The trained model will be saved as logs/xxxx/final.

python -u pretrain_FlowFormer_maemask.py --stage youtube

To finish the entire finetuning schedule, you can run:



We provide models trained in the four stages. The default path of the models for evaluation is:

├── checkpoints
    ├── chairs.pth
    ├── things.pth
    ├── sintel.pth
    ├── kitti.pth
    ├── things_288960.pth


The model to be evaluated is assigned by the _CN.model in the config file.

Evaluating the model on the Sintel training set and the KITTI training set. The corresponding config file is configs/submissions.py.

# with tiling technique
python evaluate_FlowFormer_tile.py --eval sintel_validation
python evaluate_FlowFormer_tile.py --eval kitti_validation --model checkpoints/things_kitti.pth

Generating the submission for the Sintel and KITTI benchmarks. The corresponding config file is configs/submissions.py.

python evaluate_FlowFormer_tile.py --eval sintel_submission
python evaluate_FlowFormer_tile.py --eval kitti_submission

Visualizing the sintel dataset:

python visualize_flow.py --eval_type sintel --keep_size

Visualizing an image sequence extracted from a video:

python visualize_flow.py --eval_type seq

The default image sequence format is:

├── demo_data
    ├── mihoyo
        ├── 000001.png
        ├── 000002.png
        ├── 000003.png
        ├── 001000.png


FlowFormer++ is released under the Apache License


  title={Flowformer++: Masked cost volume autoencoding for pretraining optical flow estimation},
  author={Shi, Xiaoyu and Huang, Zhaoyang and Li, Dasong and Zhang, Manyuan and Cheung, Ka Chun and See, Simon and Qin, Hongwei and Dai, Jifeng and Li, Hongsheng},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},


In this project, we use parts of codes in: