

Xeta : CakePHP 3 Resource

<p align="center"> <img src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/8210023/21071044/ca810e6a-be94-11e6-8524-ec950ad60ff0.png" alt="Xeta Logo" height="80"/> </p>
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Xeta is a resource to help people starting with Cake3.

Actually, I have developed this blog to try CakePHP 3 and for my needs (personal blog), and I have decided to release it to help people with CakePHP 3, so there is probably some custom configurations/functions that only fit my needs.



Screenshots of the Administration Panel



Blog Articles Management

Blog Articles Management

Blog Articles Management

Users Management

Users Management


If you need to install to try a function or any other things, just follow the steps bellow.


Steps to install :

composer create-project --prefer-dist xety/xeta <application_name>
composer run-script installation

You need to download the browscap.ini file.

vendor/bin/browscap-php browscap:fetch
vendor/bin/browscap-php browscap:convert

Pre-installed Accounts




This project implements many features and will implements more in the future. Here's a list of the features developed in Xeta :

user.connection.manual.successTriggered when the user login on the login page.
user.connection.manual.failedTriggered when the user failed to login on the login page.
user.connection.autoTriggered when the user is automated login with Cookies.
user.account.modifyTriggered when the user has modified his account.
user.emailTriggered when the user has changed his Email.
user.password.changeTriggered when the user has changed his password.
user.password.resetTriggered when the user has asked a password reset.
user.password.reset.successfulTriggered when an user has successfully reset his password with the Email.
2FA.enabledTriggered when an user enbale the 2FA mode.
2FA.disabledTriggered when an user disable the 2FA mode.
2FA.recovery_code.regenerateTriggered when an user regenerate a new recovery code.
2FA.recovery_code.usedTriggered when an user use his recovery code.

All the CakePHP3's features that i use in the project are described here.


If you want to contribute to the project by adding new features or just fix a bug, feel free to do a PR.


Follow this guide to contribute

Special Thanks