

Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition via Attention Aggregation based Bi-directional Mutual Learning (AAAI 2022 Oral)

Python 3.6 PyTorch 1.2 cuDNN 7.3.1 License CC BY-NC-SA

This is the origin Pytorch implementation of ABM.


upload the pre-trained model model

Many people do not know how to create dataset, I upload the processed train data and test data data


We propose a novel framework with Attention aggregation and Bi-directional Mutual learning (ABM) for HMER. Specially, our framework includes three modules: Feature Extraction, Attention Aggregation and Bi-directional Mutual Learning. (1) In Feature Extraction module, we use DenseNet as feature extractor as it has proved to be effective in WAP. (2) In Attention Aggregation module, we propose multi-scale coverage attention to recognize characters of different sizes in mathematical expressions, thereby improving the recognition accuracy at the current moment and alleviating the problem of error accumulation. (3) In Bi-directional Mutual Learning module, we propose a novel decoder framework with two parallel decoder branches in opposite decoding directions (L2R and R2L) and use mutual distillation to learn from each other. Specifically, this framework helps the current coverage attention to capitalize upon historical and future information sufficiently at the same time, so as to better determine the current attention position. Therefore, each branch can learn more complementary context information and explore long-distance dependency information through step-by-step mutual learning, leading to stronger decoding ability. Note that while we use two decoders for training, we only use one L2R branch for inference.

</p> <p align="center"> <img src="./image/3 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.gif" height = "120" alt="" align=center /> <br><br> <b>Figure 1.</b> The attention of L2R branch of ABM (left:coverge attention, right: current attention). </p> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="./image/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 3.gif" height = "120" alt="" align=center /> <br><br> <b>Figure 2.</b> The attention of R2L branch of ABM (left:coverge attention, right: current attention). </p> </p> <p align="center"> <img src="./image/network.png" height = "350" alt="" align=center /> <br><br> <b>Figure 3.</b> The architecture of ABM. </p>



We use the Offline Handwritten Formula Recognition dataset CROHME 2014, 2016 and 2019 that can be download in the TC-11 Online Resources or in offical ICDAR 2019 CROHME + TFD Competition . The required data files should be put into data/ folder. A demo slice of the data is illustrated in the following figure.

and you can download the train data and test data from here[ICDAR2019-CROHME-TDF_1] (https://tc11.cvc.uab.es/datasets/ICDAR2019-CROHME-TDF_1)


Note that we train our model on one train set CROHME 2014 and test the model on three test sets CROHME 2014, CROHME 2016, and CROHME2019. Commands for training and testing the model with single decoder branch or two decoder branches respectively are as follows:

# for training on CROHME 2014  with one L2R branch (baseline model)
sh train.sh -L2R

# for training on CROHME 2014  with two branches (L2R and R2L) (our model, ABM)
sh train.sh -L2R-R2L

# for testing on CROHME 2014, 2016, 2019 with L2R branch
sh test.sh -2014  L2R

# for testing on CROHME 2014, 2016, 2019 with R2L branch
sh test.sh -2014  R2L

The detailed descriptions about the arguments are as following:

Parameter nameDescription of parameter
dictionariesdictionaries for 113 class symbols (defaults to ./data/dictionary_bid.txt)
train_datasetsThe root path of the data file (defaults to ./data/offline-train.pkl) and label file (defaults to ./data/train_caption.txt)
valid_datasetsThe root path of the data file (defaults to ./data/offline-test.pkl) and label file (defaults to ./data/test_caption..txt)
valid_outputThe path to store the decoding LaTeX result of each epoch
savetoThe path to store the model of each epoch
nGRU1 dimension (defaults to 256)
mGRU2 dimension (defaults to 256)
dim_attentionattention dimension (defaults to 512)
DThe channel of feature map generated encoder (DenseNet) (defaults to 628)
growthRateThe growthrate of DenseNet (defaults to 24)
reductionThe reduction of DenseNet (defaults to 0.5)
bottleneckThe bottleneck of DenseNet (defaults to True)
use_dropoutThe use_dropout of DenseNet (defaults to True)
input_channelsThe input_channels of DenseNet (defaults to 1)
batch_ImagesizeThe max batch_Imagesize for training (defaults to 320000)
maxImagesizeThe max batch_Imagesize for training(defaults to 320000)
valid_batch_ImagesizeThe max batch_Imagesize for testing (defaults to 320000)
batch_sizeThe batch size of training input data (defaults to 16)
valid_batch_sizeThe batch size of testing input data (defaults to 16)
batch_ImagesizeThe max batch_Imagesize for training (defaults to 320000)
maxlenThe max length for one sample (defaults to 200)
max_epochsThe max train epochs (defaults to 5000)
dispFreqThe batch size of testing input data (defaults to 100)
patienceThe patience of changing learning rate (defaults to 15)
learning_rateThe learning rate of optimizer (defaults to 1)
lr_decrease_rateThe decline rate of learning rate (defaults to 2)
halfLrFlag_setThe flag of early stop (defaults to 10)
finish_afterThe max iteration of early stop (defaults to 10000000)
my_epsThe eps of optimizer (defaults to 1e-6)
decay_cThe weight_decay of optimizer (defaults to 1e-4)
clip_cclip_grad_norm (defaults to 100.)
patiencechanging learning rate patience (defaults to 3)
device_idsDevice ids of gpu (defaults to 0)

<span id="resultslink">Results</span>

Besides, the experiment parameters of each data set are formated in the .sh files. You can refer to these parameters for experiments, and you can also adjust the parameters to obtain better results or draw better prediction figures.

<p align="center"> <img src="./image/result.png" height = "500" alt="" align=center /> <br><br> <b>Figure 4.</b> Comparison with prior works (in %). Note that our results are from L2R branch. The results shown in the upper are partly cited from their corresponding papers. </p> <p align="center"> <img src="./image/ablation_study.png" height = "150" alt="" align=center /> <br><br> <b>Figure 5.</b> Ablation study (in %). We evaluate AAM and BML modules on CROHME 2014 test dataset. </p> <p align="center"> <img src="./image/coverage.png" height = "150" alt="" align=center /> <br><br> <b>Figure 6.</b> Coverage attention visualization process of translating handwritten mathematical expressions into LaTeX sequencesin two directions (L2R and R2L). The blue box indicates the character being decoded in current time step. </p> <p align="center"> <img src="./image/feature.png" height = "150" alt="" align=center /> <br><br> <b>Figure 7.</b> t-SNE Visualisation of DWAP (baseline) and ABM on CROHME 2014. </p>