

description: Welcome to use AI Painter app.

👋 欢迎使用机画师-AI绘图app

{% hint style="info" %} 教程正在編寫中...內容會慢慢豐富
The tutorial is being written...the contents will be enriched gradually. {% endhint %}


機畫師 基於開源的 Stable Diffusion 技術,搭建了一個APP服務器,和一個AI運算網絡,沒有使用雲服務器,所以成本會很低,訂閱費用也設置到了最低價。如果有任何不明白,APP優化建議推薦加入Discord討論。https://discord.gg/Zbe63QTU9X
Based on open source Stable Diffusion technology, Machine Artist set up an APP server and an AI computing network, without using cloud servers, so the cost is low and the subscription fee is set at the lowest price. If there is any confusion, APP optimization suggestions can join Discord discussion . https://discord.gg/Zbe63QTU9X

注意事項 Precautions/Points to Note.


To protect user privacy, we will not collect and save user-generated and uploaded images, as well as image creation records. If the app is uninstalled, all records will be cleared.

{% content-ref url="kuai-su-kai-shi/chang-jian-wen-ti.md" %} chang-jian-wen-ti.md {% endcontent-ref %}


{% embed url="https://youtu.be/j7mOdyIrfh4?t=291" %} 快速開始-文字生成圖片+基本操作 {% endembed %}

{% content-ref url="kuai-su-kai-shi/wen-zi-sheng-cheng-tu-pian-ji-ben.md" %} wen-zi-sheng-cheng-tu-pian-ji-ben.md {% endcontent-ref %}

{% embed url="https://youtu.be/d2QVgR_nWqs" %} 圖轉圖 基本使用 {% endembed %}

{% content-ref url="kuai-su-kai-shi/tu-hui-tu-ji-ben.md" %} tu-hui-tu-ji-ben.md {% endcontent-ref %}



AI Painter is an AI drawing app based on open-source Stable Diffusion technology. It sets up an APP server and an AI computing network without using cloud servers, thus keeping the costs low and the subscription fee at its lowest. For any confusion, suggestions on app optimization can be discussed through Discord. https://discord.gg/Zbe63QTU9X

Quick Start

To quickly start using AI Painter, refer to the following links: