

WowWee MiP PhoneGap SDK

The free MiP PhoneGap SDK lets you control your WowWee MiP robot on iOS and Android devices with Bluetooth Low Energy chipsets. To use this SDK you will also need a physical MiP robot.

Pre-built official SDKs are also available for iOS, Android SDK, Windows and JavaScript (Node.js).

For information on WowWee products visit: http://www.wowwee.com

Table of Contents

Quick Installation - Android

Clone the repository or download the zip.

	git clone https://github.com/WowWeeLabs/MiP-PhoneGap-SDK.git

Depending on your setup and whether you are using Eclipse or Android Studio, the instructions will be slightly different however the library should work well with both. We have provided sample projects to get you started for both systems under the SampleProjects directory.

Install Cordova through npm

	npm install -g cordova

Create the cordova project

	cd MiP-PhoneGap-SDK/phonegap/WW_BluetoothRobotControlLib_phonegap
	cordova create WW_Mip_Phonegap com.wowwee.mpip.phonegap MIP_PG

Add android platform

	cd WW_Mip_Phonegap
	cordova platform add android (see below solution if you find error)

Add Mip Cordova plugin

	cordova plugin add ../com.wowwee.bluetoothrobotscontrol/

Copy the example file

	rm -rf www
	mkdir www
	cp -rf plugins/com.wowwee.bluetoothrobotscontrol/example/ www

Config the app for landscape, add the line with widget on config.xml

	<perference name=“orientation” value=“landscape” />

Build and run

	cordova build android
	cordova run android

Error: ANDROID_HOME is not set and "android" command not in your PATH. You must fulfill at least one of these conditions.

Solutions:<br /> For MacOX:<br /> export ANDROID_HOME=/<installation location>/android-sdk-macosx export PATH=${PATH}:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools<br /> For Windows<br /> Right click on My computer -> properties -> Advanced system setting -> Environment Variables Edit Pathon system variables to ;/yourSdkHome/tools;/youSdkHome/platform-tools.

Quick Installation - iOS

Clone the repository or download the zip.

	git clone https://github.com/WowWeeLabs/MiP-PhoneGap-SDK.git

Depending on your setup and whether you are using Eclipse or Android Studio, the instructions will be slightly different however the library should work well with both. We have provided sample projects to get you started for both systems under the SampleProjects directory.

Install Cordova through npm

	npm install -g cordova

Change directory and create the cordova project

	cd MiP-PhoneGap-SDK/phonegap/WW_BluetoothRobotControlLib_phonegap
	cordova create WW_Mip_Phonegap com.wowwee.mpip.phonegap MIP_PG

Add iOS platform

	cd WW_Mip_Phonegap
	cordova platform add ios

Add Mip Cordova plugin

	cordova plugin add ../com.wowwee.bluetoothrobotscontrol/

Copy the example file

	rm -rf www
	mkdir www
	cp -rf plugins/com.wowwee.bluetoothrobotscontrol/example/ www

Config the app for landscape, add the line with widget on config.xml

	<perference name=“orientation” value=“landscape” />

Open xCode projects "platforms/ios/MIP_PG.xcodeproj"

Enable Modules (C and Objective C) in Build Settings

Change Deployment Target to 8.0 in General

Add the framework "WowWeeMiPSDK.framework" to Embeded Binaries

Build and run

	cordova build ios
	cordova run ios

Notes about the SDK

Simulator Support

Our SDK cannot be used in the built in Android simulator due to lack of Bluetooth Low Energy support. Third party alternatives may work if they support the official BLE APIs.

Android Gear Support

At present we havn't added support for Android gear. Third party support is welcome, please add an issue in the bug tracker.

Full Source Code

At this stage we do not plan on releasing our full library source code.

Are there any restrictions on releasing my own application?

The SDK is currently and will always be free for you to build and release your own applications. Your welcome to charge money or release free applications using our SDK without restrictions.

If you create a great application, all we ask is that you provide a link for people to purchase their own MiP so they can enjoy your product.

Can I use your cool joystick code?

Yes we have provided the source code in our sample project, feel free to use this or make changes as you want. We would love pull requests.

Can I create other platform versions of the SDK?

The lower level BLE command protocol is available in our MiP-BLE-Protocol repository, please post any other platform questions there.


MiP Android SDK is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0 license. See the LICENSE.txt file for more info.

You are free to use our SDK in your own projects whether free or paid. There are no restrictions on releasing into Google Play or other stores. We do ask that you clearly differentiate your app from the official app so that users do not get confused.


We happily accept any pull requests and monitor issues on GitHub regularly. Please feel free to give us your suggestions or enhancements. Please note that due to resource constraints we most likely cannot add new features to the MiP robot himself, but we will certainly consider them for inclusion to future robots/versions.

Tell your friends, fork our project, buy our robot and share with us your own projects! These are the best kinds of positive feedback to us.

Projects using this SDK