

OverReact Test

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A library for testing OverReact components.

Using it in your project

  1. Import it into your test files:

    import 'package:over_react_test/over_react_test.dart';
  2. Run your tests:

    $ dart run test test/your_test_file.dart

Naming Conventions

Variables and Types

UsageActual TypeSuggested Referencing
render and render helper functionsReactComponent | Elementinstance
Component classReactClasstype
VDOM Instance (invoked UiProps)ReactElement-ReactElement or not suffixed
findDomNode, queryByTestId, etc.Elementnode
The Dart componentreact.Component (backed by ReactComponent)dartInstance
Invoked UiFactoryUiPropsbuilder


test('my test' () {
  var sampleBuilder = Sample();
  var sampleReactElement = sampleBuilder(); // Or var sample = sampleBuilder();
  var instance = render(sampleInstance);
  SampleComponent sampleDartInstance = getDartComponent(instance);
  var sampleNode = findDomNode(instance);

Test IDs

When coming up with test ID strings:


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The over_react_test library adheres to Semantic Versioning: