


A set of local transforms for Maltego to graph Steam user profiles.



Steam Account



To Steam Account

Runs on: maltego.Alias, maltego.Person

Searchs the Steam Community for profiles with the input entity name. Adds WindyMiller.SteamAccount entities for each found.

To Person

Runs on: WindyMiller.SteamAccount

Gets the users 'real' name if profile is public.

To Location

Runs on: WindyMiller.SteamAccount

Gets the users location if profile is public.

To Friends List

Runs on: WindyMiller.SteamAccount

Gets the users friends list if profile is public. Shuffles the list before returning to Maltego so running multiple times against the same entity can get additional results in Maltego CE.

To Alias

Runs on: WindyMiller.SteamAccount

Steam keeps a record of the past 10 aliases used. This will get that list and is avaiable with any profile (public or private)


Create the directory /opt/maltego if it does not already exist.

mkdir /opt/maltego
cd /opt/maltego`

Either (A) clone the repository and download Steam.mtz or (B) download the release tar.gz.

(A) Clone

git clone https://github.com/WlndyMiller/SteamTransforms
wget https://github.com/WlndyMiller/SteamTransforms/releases/download/v0.1/Steam.mtz

(B) Release

wget https://github.com/WlndyMiller/SteamTransforms/releases/download/v0.1/SteamTransforms0.1.tar.gz
tar -xvzf SteamTransforms.tar.gz

Configure Maltego

In Maltego navigate to Import | Export on the ribbon Select Import Config and select Steam.mtz

Select to import all Entities and Local Transforms and click Finish.