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WIT Android SDK alpha 0.7.0

Please be patient :) this is a very early SDK

WIT Android SDK is a library to give fallback connectivity to mobile Apps. Using WIT SDK you can do any kind of HTTP Requests. If the device is offline, the SMS Channel will be used.

Official WIT Android SDK to support:

Generic http offline request

In the current version WIT SDK supports "generic requests" meaning that you can throw(1) any kind of data to any url of choice which can result in a big payload being sent via SMS. Our system take care of compressing and optimizing the request you are doing.

Here at WIT Technology we offer a premium support to any company. We can optimize up to 70% the speed of the requests and as a consequence the prices for the data transportation. Your endpoints will remain the same so you don't have to modify any code to take advantage of this.

  1. we support all HTTP Requests Verbs -> get|post|put|patch|delete

Contact US

For any technical issue create it here or contact us at davide [ at ] witsdk.com. For business operations, and to know more about our Premium Support write to alessio [ at ] witsdk.com.


Weather Example using WIT SDK

A simple weather app that works without internet

<img src="example_projects/WetherExample/screenshoots/1.png" width="200"/> <img src="example_projects/WetherExample/screenshoots/2.png" width="200"/> <img src="example_projects/WetherExample/screenshoots/3.png" width="200"/> <img src="example_projects/WetherExample/screenshoots/4.png" width="200"/>



WIT SDK needs okHttp3 to work.

Setup WIT SDK using Gradle

Clone this repository in your project root folder and execute these commands:

cd YourProject
git clone https://github.com/WithoutInternetTechnology/wit-android-sdk.git
cp -r ./wit-android-sdk/witsdk witsdk

In the build.gradle inside your 'app' folder, add WIT SDK and okHttp3:

    dependencies {
        compile fileTree(include: ['*.aar'], dir: 'witsdk')

        compile 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.4.2'
        compile project(':witsdk')

Inside your settings.gradle add ':witsdk', the file should look like:

    include ':app',':witsdk'

Use it

Import the WIT SDK

import com.witsdk.witcore.*;

Initialize WIT

It's recommended to use the same instance client of the WIT library in the same activity. The constructor new Wit(Activity this,FragmentManager fm); takes 2 parameters: Activity and FragmentManager, this is needed because WIT will handle automatically the permission flow required to use SMS in your app.

public class MyActivity extends AppCompatActivity{
    private Wit client;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager();
        client = new Wit(this, fm);

    public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {

    public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String permissions[], int[] grantResults) {

The Activity need to override onActivityResult() and onRequestPermissionsResult() has shown in the snipplet above, by doing this the Activity will be able to intercept the result of asking for SMS permission and communicate the result to (Wit) client.

Check if the device is connected to the internet.

boolean isConnected = client.checkInternetConnection();


In order to offer complete flexibility for the developer, this method will perform offline-only request, it will be processed via SMS even if the device has internet connectivity. You can check if the device is connected to the internet by using client.checkInternetConnection().

    String url = "http://jsonplaceholder.typicsode.com/posts/1";

    client.offline_request(url, "get", null, new RequestListener() {
      public void onSuccess(JSONObject json, Integer id) {
        Log.d("WIT REQ","RESPONSE "+ id.toString() +" : " + json.toString());

      public void onError(int code, String error) {
        Log.d("WIT REQ","ERROR "+ code +" : " + error);

GET Request

The http request below will be resolved either using internet or without, providing a consistent way for developer to fetch the data they need without having to worry if the device has internet connectivity.

    String url = "http://jsonplaceholder.typicsode.com/posts/1";

    client.request(url, "get", null, new RequestListener() {
      public void onSuccess(JSONObject json, Integer id) {
        Log.d("WIT REQ","RESPONSE "+ id.toString() +" : " + json.toString());

      public void onError(int code, String error) {
        Log.d("WIT REQ","ERROR "+ code +" : " + error);

POST Request

    JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
    obj.put("id", 1);
    obj.put("title", "foo");
    obj.put("body", "bar");
    obj.put("userId", 1);

    client.request("http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts", "post", obj, new RequestListener() {
        public void onSuccess(JSONObject json, Integer id) {
            Log.d("WIT SDK","POST REQUEST, Response: "+ id.toString() +" : " + json.toString());

        public void onError(int code, String error) {
            Log.d("WIT SDK","POST REQUEST, Error: "+ code +" : " + error);

PUT Request

    client.request(url, "put", obj, new RequestListener() {
        public void onSuccess(JSONObject json, Integer id) {
            Log.d("WIT SDK","PUT REQUEST, Response: "+ id.toString() +" : " + json.toString());

        public void onError(int code, String error) {
            Log.d("WIT SDK","PUT REQUEST, Error: "+ code +" : " + error);

PATCH Request

    client.request(url, "patch", obj, new RequestListener() {
        public void onSuccess(JSONObject json, Integer id) {
            Log.d("WIT SDK","PATCH REQUEST, Response: "+ id.toString() +" : " + json.toString());

        public void onError(int code, String error) {
            Log.d("WIT SDK","PATCH REQUEST, Error: "+ code +" : " + error);

DELETE Request

    client.request(url, "delete", null, new RequestListener() {
        public void onSuccess(JSONObject json, Integer id) {
            Log.d("WIT SDK","DELETE REQUEST, Response: "+ id.toString() +" : " + json.toString());

        public void onError(int code, String error) {
            Log.d("WIT SDK","DELETE REQUEST, Error: "+ code +" : " + error);

Add HEADERS to your Request

Initialize a Map variable

  final Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>() {{
        put("auth", "Password");
        put("Bearer ", "auth_token");
    client.request(url, "post", headers, obj, new RequestListener() {
        public void onSuccess(JSONObject json, Integer id) {
            Log.d("WIT SDK","DELETE REQUEST, Response: "+ id.toString() +" : " + json.toString());

        public void onError(int code, String error) {
            Log.d("WIT SDK","DELETE REQUEST, Error: "+ code +" : " + error);

Disable Offline Mode

This function will trigger the system dialog to restore the default SMS app selected before switching to Offline Mode.



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