

Algorand Unreal Engine Plugin

Official Unreal Engine plugin for Algorand Blockchain Platform.

If you are looking for a repo for this c++ sdk, check this repository.

This plugin provides the functionallity for building different types of transactions and managing wallets on the Algorand blockchain.

📙 1. Overview:

Algorand Unreal Engine Plugin

For indepth documentation on the overview, setup and usage of this plugin check here: Doc

For indepth video demo on using the plugin watch here: Video

This UE plugin includes:

This sdk contains a setting option to set RPC Info.

RPC types you can select are like following:

👔 You should add token for above some urls and can reference this link.

📑 2. Prerequisites:

To use this UE plugin : ✅

In order to build project using Unreal Engine 5.0+, use a branch master.

⚙️ 3. Installation:

  1. In this Github repository, clone this repo with git command or download as a zip file type and rename cloned folder name AlgorandUnrealEngineSDK.
  2. You can find a folder called example, which is our test project.
  3. Then you should create a folder called Plugins/Algorand on example/unreal-algorand-demo folder.
  4. You should copy all except for example folder on AlgorandUnrealEngineSDK folder to the Plugins/Algorand folder of our test project.

After you complete above action, this plugin path is example\unreal-algorand-demo\Plugins\Algorand.

  1. You should register the plugin name (Algorand) into Build.cs on the Source directory of out test project (example\unreal-algorand-demo) and rebuild your project.
    public UnrealAlgorandPlugin(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
        PCHUsage = PCHUsageMode.UseExplicitOrSharedPCHs;
        PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "Algorand" });
        PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] {  });

Right click on UnrealAlgorandPlugin.uproject on example/unreal-algorand-demo folder, and "Generate Visual Studio project files" - This process may take some time.

  1. Once finished, open your *.sln project or *.uproject file with Visual Studio or JetBrains Rider.

🧭 4. Modules reference

🚀 5. Common Usage

UAlgorandUnrealManager stored on Algorand module should be used as the main entry-point for all Algorand-related actions.

Check our demo project made with this UE plugin.