



We need to build a simple webpage following a design like the following screenshot, which features the "Masonry Layout". See the Figma link for the design.



  1. It should load a list of picture URLs from a JSON API. Please use the JSON file below as a sample, and build a simple API to serve it.
  2. It should apply Masonry Layout. See the link for the definition and feature list.
  3. It should provide a search input, and allow the users to search images with the "name" attribute. The search input should work as a filter and automatically filters with the user input.

{% file src="../.gitbook/assets/data.json.zip" caption="Data Source JSON file" %}

or download the data.json directly from this repo.

Tech stack

Advanced requirements

Here are some further challenges for you to demonstrate your skills. You can safely skip them if you are not applying as a senior.