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Windmillcode Angular CDK

Welcome to the Windmillcode Angular Library, a comprehensive suite of Angular components designed to help you build engaging, robust, and user-friendly web applications. This library, also known as the Windmillcode Angular Component Development Kit (CDK), provides a collection of reusable UI components, each crafted with attention to detail and performance.

The project is still in beta because we want to make fundamental changes to our component library concerning animation, conformity, and accessing fuctionality w/o the need of a component for greater customization refer below to which packages you can use in production.


Plug And Play

Angular can get rather a verbose language we aim to simplify angular with plug and play mentaility With plug and play every compoonent has its props as in react this props is a class and you simply pass the prop the to class to render the component

props = new WMLInputZeroProps({})

// To pass arguments/ customizer

props = new WMLInputZeroProps({
  datetime:new WMLInputZeroDatetimeProps({
    min =new Date("[YOUR BIRTHDAY FOR EXAMPLE]")
<wml-input [props]=props>

All props have default values so you can learn how to properly use the component

<!-- - **Test Ready**: Each component comes with its own set of unit tests, ensuring that they work as expected and providing a foundation for you to add your own tests as you integrate them into your projects. -->


The Windmillcode Angular Library offers a diverse range of components, each designed to fulfill specific UI requirements in your Angular applications. Below is a list of available components along with brief descriptions:

  1. WML Components Base:
  1. WML Schematics:
  1. WML Accordion Zero:
  1. WML Button Zero:
  1. WML Carousel Zero:
  1. WML Chips Zero:
  1. WML Field:
  1. WML File Manager:
  1. WML Form:
  1. WML Infinite Dropdown:
  1. WML Input:
  1. WML Mobile Nav Zero:
  1. WML Notify:
  1. WML Options:
  1. WML Panel:
  1. WML Penrose:
  1. WML Popup:
  1. WML Select Zero:
  1. WML Slicebox:
  1. WML Table Zero:
  1. WML Tabs:
  1. WML Toggle Zero:

Each component is crafted to address specific UI needs while ensuring consistency and ease of integration into your Angular projects. For more detailed information on each component, including usage examples and configuration options, refer to the library's detailed documentation.

Getting Started


Each component is documented with details on how to use it, its input/output properties, and event emitters. To dive deeper into a specific component, refer to its README.md dedicated documentation section.


Instructions coming soon

<!-- We welcome contributions to the Windmillcode Angular Library! Whether it's adding new components, enhancing existing ones, or reporting bugs, your contributions are valuable to us. Please refer to our contribution guidelines before making a pull request. -->


The Windmillcode Angular Library is MIT licensed.


If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via email. We're always looking to improve our library and help the developer community.

Enjoy building with the Windmillcode Angular Library!