


Define ABI for your smart contract with dataclass-like style.

Quick example

Define your abi as Abi child. Abi.to_abi() returns abi as json, so you can use it with web3py and web3-premium.

from abinator import Abi, uint256, uint8

class ERC20Fragment(Abi):
    decimals: uint8

    def balanceOf(account: address) -> uint256:

ERC20Fragment.to_abi() # returns json with abi


State mutability

You can use view, pure, payable decoratos for state mutabilty.

from abinator import Abi, uint256

class Contract(Abi):
    def balanceOf(account: address) -> uint256:
    def deposit():

    def safe_add(a: uint256, b: uint256) -> uint256:


Define events with child class of Event inside your abi class.

You can use indexed decorator for topics.

from abinator import Abi, Event, address, uint256, indexed

class ERC20Fragment(Abi):
    class Transfer(Event):
        from_: indexed(address)
        to: indexed(address)
        value: uint256

Also there is anonymous for event class:

from abinator import Abi, Event, anonymous, uint256

class Contract(Abi):
    class AnonymousEvent(Event):
        value: uint256

Structs and tuple

Define structs with child class of Struct inside your abi class.

from abinator import Abi, Struct, payable, address, uint24, int24, uint256

class NonfungiblePositionManager(Abi):
    class MintParams(Struct):
        token0: address
        token1: address
        fee: uint24
        tickLower: int24
        tickUpper: int24
        amount0Desired: uint256
        amount1Desired: uint256
        amount0Min: uint256
        amount1Min: uint256
        recipient: address
        deadline: uint256

    def mint(params: MintParams) -> tuple[uint256, uint128, uint256, uint256]: