


A type-checker for Erlang.

<picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="./logo/eqWAlizer_final_Full_Logo_White_Text.png"> <img alt="eqWAlizer logo" src="./logo/eqWAlizer_final_Full__Logo_Black_Text.png" width="100%"> </picture>

Using it with rebar3 projects

eqWAlizer is integrated and distributed with ELP (Erlang Language Platform).

  1. Use OTP 26 or higher.
  2. Install ELP.
  3. Add eqwalizer_support dependency to your rebar3 project definition (see below)
  4. From the project directory run:

Adding eqwalizer_support:

{deps, [
        {branch, "main"},

Using it with non-rebar projects

  1. Use OTP 26 or higher.
  2. Install ELP.
  3. Write a project.json file describing your project.
  4. From the project directory, assuming your .json file is called project.json run:


Please refer to the FAQ document for answers to some common questions, including:

Where can I learn more about eqWAlizer, its technical principles, its relation to dialyzer and elixir support feasibility?



eqWAlizer is Apache licensed.