

CAST: Conditional Attribute Subsampling Toolkit

<!-- <img align="right" src="assets/overview.png" style="margin:20px 20px 0px 20px" width="330"/> -->

This is a repository for conditional subsampling of datasets for training and evaluation. Over 50 pre-computed attributes for the WebFace42M dataset including race, gender, and image quality are provided. Automatic evaluation is provided for Face Recognition.

For more experimentation details see the paper here.

README Contents

  1. Run CC11 Benchmark
  2. Download WebFace42M Attributes
  3. Subsample 1:1 Verfication Sets
  4. Evaluate New Verification Sets
  5. Subsample Training Sets
  6. Acknowledgment

Run CC11 Face Recogntion Benchmark

The CAST-Challenging-11 (CC11) benchmark contains 11 sub-benchmarks which contain only hard verification pairs. The full test set contains 110,000 pairs (10k per sub-benchmark) and the validation set contains 11,000 pairs (1k per sub-benchmark). See commands below to run the benchmark.

Download CC11 from here(~1GB) and unzip in the data directory.

mkdir data
cd data
unzip cc11.zip

# cc11 test set
python cc11.py --weights weights_path --arch architecture
# cc11 validation set
python cc11.py --weights weights_path --arch architecture --path data/cc11_val.bin

Alternatively, if WebFace42M is downloaded on your system, the WebFace directory path can be passed to the script and the images will be loaded.

# cc11 test set with WebFace42M Pre-downloaded
python cc11.py --weights weights_path --arch architecture --path webface42m_root
<img align="right" src="assets/ex_results.png" style="margin:0px 20px 0px 20px" width="200"/>

The following architecture keys are implemented in the models directory: r18, r34, r50, r100, r200, mbf, mbf_large, vit_t, vit_s, vit_b. To use a different architecture, import the implementation to the model directory.

The screenshot on the right shows example output from a ResNet50 trained on WebFace4M.

Download WebFace42M Attributes

Download the from attribute arrays from the following links. The race_gender attribute array contains 9 columns and the full attribute array contains 67 columns. Attribute arrays contain 42 million rows.

race_gender(1.6GB)        full (available soon)

mkdir data
cd data
upzip race_gender.zip

Subsample Verification Sets

  1. Go to the run.py file. Pass in the desired paths for the attribute array, the paths for each object, and an optional csv with the column names (if no csv exists, do not pass in a columns variable, the first row will be passed in instead). Pass in a mask for the training indexes if desired
  2. Declare a list of tuples in attr_list. Each tuple will be taken as directions to filter by a certain attribute. The first item in the tuple should be the name of the attribute
    • If the attribute holds categorical data, then the tuple will be of length 2 with the second item being the class to filter for.
    • If the attribute holds numerical data, the tuple will be of length 4. The second item will be either 'abs' or 'rank' which determines how the filter tool will filter by aboslute values or percentile ranks respectivly. The next two items will the lower and upper bounds for the scale defined prior
  3. Now pass in the parameters for the SubsetClass creation

Run the run.py file now and the result should be a folder with the sets and a description of the folder.

python run.py

Evaluate New Verification Sets

Pass commas separated set names to run_eval.py using the --set_names flag. Directories of .list files and .bin files are retrieved from the validation_sets directory.

python run_eval.py --weights weights --arch architecture --sets_names set1,set2,data/set3.bin

The following architecture keys are implemented in the models directory: r18, r34, r50, r100, r200, mbf, mbf_large, vit_t, vit_s, vit_b. To use a different architecture, import the implementation to the model directory.

<!-- ### Subsample Training Sets ```todo``` -->


The research this repository supports is based upon work supported in part by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA), via [2022-21102100003]. The views and conclusions contained herein are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of ODNI, IARPA, or the U.S. Government.


This release is for non-commerical use with attribution (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/), and is provided AS-IS with no warranty of any kind. For attribution please cite the following paper.

    author    = {Robbins, Wes and Zhou, Steven and Bhatta, Aman and Mello, Chad and Albiero, V{\'\i}tor and Bowyer, Kevin W. and Boult, Terrance E.},
    title     = {CAST: Conditional Attribute Subsampling Toolkit for Fine-Grained Evaluation},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)},
    month     = {January},
    year      = {2023},
    pages     = {919-929}