

<!--<h3><b>Matching in the Dark</b></h3>-->

<b>MID dataset</b> [Homepage] <br>

Wenzheng Song, Masanori Suganuma, Xing Liu, Noriyuki Shimobayashi, Daisuke Maruta, Takayuki Okatani.

+ Matching in the Dark: A Dataset for Matching Image Pairs of Low-light Scenes

[Introduction] This repository contains details about the MID (Matching in the Dark) dataset. The MID dataset was introduced as a benchmark for local descriptor evaluation challenge in extreme low-light conditions. This dataset also can be used for low-light Raw image-enhancing evaluation. See the paper for more details.

[Samples] Here are example stereo image pairs (long exposure versions) of four indoor scenes and four outdoor scenes!

Teaser Image

If there is a need to manually get the MID dataset, download and untar the following file:


If you find these models useful for your resesarch, please cite with this bibtex.