

Artistic Text Style Transfer for Complex Texture and Structure

<table border="0" width='90%'> <tr align="center"> <td width="18.6%"><img src="./picture/example.png" width="99%" ></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td> Generated diverse artistic texts via the proposed framework </tr> </table> <table border="0" width='100%'> <tr align="center"> <td width="36%"><img src= "./picture/spring_higres.png"alt="" width="800" ></td> <td width="28%"><img src= "./picture/love_higres.png" alt=""width="800" ></td> <td width="36%"><img src="./picture/tasty_higres.png" alt="" width="99%" ></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> </tr> </table> </table> <table border="0" width='100%'> <tr align="center"> <td width="20%"><img src= "./picture/Q_higres.png" alt=""width="800" ></td> <td width="35%"><img src= "./picture/jianjia.png"alt="" width="800" ></td> <td width="22%"><img src="./picture/S_higres.png" alt="" width="99%" ></td> <td width="23%"><img src="./picture/w_higres.png" alt="" width="99%" ></td> </tr> <tr align="center"> <td> High-resolution <td> artistic text images generated <td> by the proposed <td> framework </tr> </table>

This is a pytorch implementation of the paper.

Wendong Mao, Shuai Yang; Huihong Shi, Jiaying Liu, and Zhongfeng Wang, "Intelligent Typography: Artistic Text Style Transfer for Complex Texture and Structure" in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia: Regular Paper, 2022.

[Paper] | More about artistic text style transfer

Please consider citing our paper if you find the software useful for your work.




git clone https://github.com/WendongMao/Intelligent_Typography.git

Testing Example

or just modifying and running

sh ./Coarse2fine_transfer.sh
sh ./Coarse2fine_deform.sh
sh ./Coarse2fine_altern.sh

Training Examples

Training Prototype Generation Pro-Gen GAN

cd ./pro_gen_GAN

Saved model can be found at ./checkpoints/Gp1

Saved model can be found at ./checkpoints/Gp2

Training Structure Refinement N_S

cd ./Structure_Net

just modifying and running

sh train.sh

Saved model can be found at ./models

Texture Refinement N_t

Try with Your Own Style images

cd ./image_preparation

Have fun :-)


Wendong Mao
