GitHub's REST API Swift Language Code
This Swift code generator is built upon the Swift OpenAPI Generator and leverages the OpenAPI description for GitHub's REST API. The goal is to automate the creation of Swift language code, providing developers with a seamless way to interact with GitHub's REST API.
For example you can import these frameworks to fetch github users, or see reference UsersTests.swift.
import GitHubRestAPIUsers
import OpenAPIRuntime
import OpenAPIURLSession
let client = Client(serverURL: try Servers.server1(), transport: URLSessionTransport())
let users = try await client.users_sol_list().ok.body.json
<summary>Full Supported Framworks</summary>
import GitHubRestAPIActions
import GitHubRestAPIActivity
import GitHubRestAPIApps
import GitHubRestAPIBilling
import GitHubRestAPIChecks
import GitHubRestAPIClassroom
import GitHubRestAPICode_Scanning
import GitHubRestAPICodes_Of_Conduct
import GitHubRestAPICodespaces
import GitHubRestAPICopilot
import GitHubRestAPIDependabot
import GitHubRestAPIDependency_Graph
import GitHubRestAPIDesktop
import GitHubRestAPIEmojis
import GitHubRestAPIGists
import GitHubRestAPIGit
import GitHubRestAPIGitignore
import GitHubRestAPIInteractions
import GitHubRestAPIIssues
import GitHubRestAPILicenses
import GitHubRestAPIMarkdown
import GitHubRestAPIMerge_Queue
import GitHubRestAPIMeta
import GitHubRestAPIMigrations
import GitHubRestAPIOidc
import GitHubRestAPIOrgs
import GitHubRestAPIPackages
import GitHubRestAPIProjects
import GitHubRestAPIPulls
import GitHubRestAPIRate_Limit
import GitHubRestAPIReactions
import GitHubRestAPIRepos
import GitHubRestAPISearch
import GitHubRestAPISecret_Scanning
import GitHubRestAPISecurity_Advisories
import GitHubRestAPITeams
import GitHubRestAPIUsers
The tutorial show you the following example or refer below.
<details> <summary>Example of code for enhanced issues comment API</summary>// Usage.swift
// -
import Foundation
import GitHubRestAPIIssues
import OpenAPIRuntime
import OpenAPIURLSession
import HTTPTypes
struct GitHubRestAPIIssuesExtension {
let owner: String
let repo: String
/// The issue number or pull number.
let number: Int
/// Update the comment if the anchor is found; otherwise, create it.
func comment(anchor: String, body: String) async throws {
let hidingContent = "<!-- Comment anchor: \(anchor) -->"
let newBody = "\(body)\n\n\(hidingContent)"
let client = Client(
serverURL: try Servers.server1(),
transport: URLSessionTransport(),
middlewares: [AuthenticationMiddleware(token: nil)]
let comments = try await client.issues_sol_list_hyphen_comments(
path: .init(owner: owner, repo: repo, issue_number: number)
if let comment = comments.first(where: { $0.body?.contains(hidingContent) == true }) {
_ = try await client.issues_sol_update_hyphen_comment(
path: .init(owner: owner, repo: repo, comment_id: Components.Parameters.comment_hyphen_id(,
body: .json(.init(body: newBody))
} else {
_ = try await client.issues_sol_create_hyphen_comment(
path: .init(owner: owner, repo: repo, issue_number: number),
body: .json(.init(body: newBody))
<summary>Example of code for the `GITHUB_TOKEN` to authenticate.</summary>
import Foundation
import GitHubRestAPIUsers
import OpenAPIRuntime
import OpenAPIURLSession
import HTTPTypes
/// Example: ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["GITHUB_TOKEN"] ?? ""
let token: String = "***"
let client = Client(
serverURL: try Servers.server1(),
transport: URLSessionTransport(),
middlewares: [AuthenticationMiddleware(token: token)]
/// Injects an authorization header to every request.
struct AuthenticationMiddleware: ClientMiddleware {
private let token: String
init(token: String) {
self.token = token
private var header: [String: String] { ["Authorization": "Bearer \(token)" ] }
func intercept(
_ request: HTTPRequest,
body: HTTPBody?,
baseURL: URL,
operationID: String,
next: @Sendable (HTTPRequest, HTTPBody?, URL) async throws -> (HTTPResponse, HTTPBody?)
) async throws -> (HTTPResponse, HTTPBody?) {
var request = request
request.headerFields.append(HTTPField(name: .authorization, value: "Bearer \(token)"))
return try await next(request, body, baseURL)
Swift Package Manager
The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift
Once you have your Swift package set up, adding github-rest-api-swift-openapi as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies
value of your Package.swift
// swift-tools-version: 5.9
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),
OpenAPI serves as a standardized way to document HTTP services. It allows developers to automate workflows, such as generating code for making HTTP requests or implementing API servers.
The Swift OpenAPI Generator is a Swift package plugin designed to generate code at build-time, ensuring it remains synchronized with the OpenAPI document.
Use Submodules to clone github/rest-api-description and then split openapi tags into multiple modules (Swift Package Products).
Wanna use Swift as the development language to create some convenient and user-friendly GitHub Actions.
Contributions are welcome! If you encounter issues or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
This repository is automatically kept up to date with the submodule github/rest-api-description.
If you've identified a mismatch between GitHub API's Swift code and these descriptions, or found an issue with the format of a schema, please open an issue to github/rest-api-description or open an issue to apple/swift-openapi-generator.