

DPClust pre-processing

This R package contains various functions to produce input data for DPClust using SNV variant calls and copy number data from Battenberg. Most importantly, it contains the runGetDirichletProcessInfo function that produces the input data for SNV based clustering.

Installation instructions

dpclust3p is an R package and can be installed with the commands right below. It also requires the alleleCounter tool to be in $PATH.

source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R"); biocLite(c("optparse","VariantAnnotation","GenomicRanges","Rsamtools","ggplot2","IRanges","S4Vectors","reshape2"))'

Running pre-processing

The typical usage is to create the DPClust input data. See inst/example for a few example pipelines. A pipeline typically consists of three steps:

The R package contains many functions from which one can build their own pipeline

preprocessing.RMain preprocessing functions to create DPClust input, perform mutation phasing, filter by mutational signature
allelecount.RFunctions to count alleles in a BAM file, or dump counts from a range of VCF formats
kataegis.RFunctions to identify kataegis events (requires fastPCF.R)
copynumber.RVarious functions related to copy number
qualitycontrol.RCreate plots that can be used for QCing
interconvertMutationBurdens.RBasic functions for data transformations
util.RVarious utility functions


This package has been Dockerised, build as follows:

docker build -t dpclust3p:1.0.8 .