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<sup>Social Media Photo by Tatiana Rodriguez on Unsplash</sup>

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micro hooks is a simplified ~0.8K alternative to augmentor, with the following differences:

The reason for this module to exist is to explore a slightly different pattern that is not stack-based, but that should perform overall better in real-world use cases, thanks to its smaller size and its reduced amount of invokes applied in bulks.

// <script type="module"> import('//unpkg.com/uhooks?module') for ESM
// <script src="//unpkg.com/uhooks"> for a global uhooks
// const {...} = require('uhooks'); for CommonJS

import {
  hooked, wait,
  dropEffect, hasEffect,
  createContext, useContext,
  useCallback, useMemo,
  useEffect, useLayoutEffect,
  useReducer, useState,
} from 'uhooks'; // or 'uhooks/async'

const Counter = (start) => {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(start);
  const {current} = useRef({});
  current.increment = () => {
    setCount(count + 1);
  return current;

// logs 1, 1
const comp1 = hooked(Counter)(1);
const comp2 = hooked(Counter)(1);

// logs 2


These hooks are reachable via uhooks/extras, and can be handy in various occasions: