Lazy loading Custom Elements and their styles without even thinking about it.
// you can have many lazyTag invokes per page
// an optional *Array* of custom elements names or RegExp
// to consider: any other custom element will be ignored
only: [/^io-/],
// an optional *Array* of custom elements to ignore
// if `only` is used, this list is ignored
ignore: ['third-parts', 'pre-loaded', /-heresy$/],
// the optional JS path where component-name.js is
js: './components/js',
// the optional CSS path where is
css: './components/css'
The previous example would load automatically ./components/js/my-component.js
, ./components/js/my-sub-component.js
, but also ./components/css/my-component.css
and ./components/css/my-sub-component.css